(13) A New Boy in Year 2

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TWs: Homophobia and Slight Bullying and Mention of Crying (sorry if I missed any)

Tommy POV:

Halloween had just come and gone and it was the first day back to school from half term. There was a lot of crying from Tubbo on Halloween as we watched a bunch of scary movies and he was in a constant state of fear throughout.

Tubbo had also just started at my primary school just before the half term holidays and we were both in the same year so we got to hang out a lot.

We were on our way to the school, walking down the busy morning streets, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed an unfamilier boy walking towards the school as well. He had half black, half white hair and was wearing a black and white mask. Must be a new kid at the school.


Me and Tubbo were now in our classroom quietly talking as we waited for Mr Jacobs to arrive. The two of us were always one of the first people to arrive at school as Phil and Kristen always made us leave earlier than we need to, but I didn't mind too much as it gave me more time to talk to Tubbo and our friends, Freddie/Billzo and Aimsey before the schoolday started.


The classroom was now full off young kids waiting for their prized teacher to arrive. It didn't take long for that to happen.

Mr Jacobs started to walk into the class before quickly turning around and quietly telling someone, who couldn't be seen, to "stay there" and then turned back around and walked over to his wooden desk at the front of the room next to a large whiteboard and plopped his bag down onto his chair, proceeding to pull out a black laptop and place it onto the desk. He opened up the laptop and turned it on causing a bright beam of light to shine onto Mr Jacobs face.

"Good morning class!" Mr Jacobs greeted happily as he clicked around on his laptop probably opening up the register.

"Good morning Mr Jacobs!" Almost the entire class responded in unison.


Mr Jacobs proceeded to do the register and after he had finished he said that he had a little bit of a surprise for us which a lot of the class to cheer excitedly.

"You can come in now!" Mr Jacobs said loudly towards the door.

After a few seconds of waiting the boy that I saw walking to school appeared in the classroom, still wearing the face mask and with his black and white. A few snickers and chuckles from kids could be heard as everyone in the class took in his appearance. I didn't think he looked wierd, I thought he looked quite cool, maybe he could hang around with me and Tubbo and the others at break and lunch.

"This is Ranboo everyone, he's new so make him feel welcome and don't be mean" Mr Jacobs annouced glaring at a certain group of people in the class. Not me or Tubbo off course we would never bully people...unless they really deserved it.

"Why don't you say a couple things about yourself Ranboo?" Mr Jacobs asked nicely, to which Ranboo nervously nodded and went to speak.

"Hi, I'm Ranboo, I'm six years old, this is the first school I have been too and I don't know sorry" Ranboo said but because of the mask it was very quiet so no one really heard.

"Thats fine mate, um, yes Aimsey?" Mr Jacobs asked as I looked ahead of me to see that Aimsey had her hand up.

"We couldn't hear what he was saying because of the mask, can't he take it off?" Aimsey replied to which a large portion of the class nodded their head to agreeing with what she was saying.

"No he can't and don't ask him questions about it, he told me he is uncomfortable with it" Mr Jacobs said surpriselingly coldly, he could be quite scary when he was upset. "Anyway Ranboo you can take a seat next to Tubbo" Mr Jacobs finished pointing to the only empty seat in the classroom.

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