(14) Girlfriend Haver

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TWs: Swearing, Mention of Homophobia (sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

It was Wednesday and my third day at this school, I started on the monday, and I was in a good mood going into school. The night before I spent an hour trying to get my parents to let go to the sleepover on Friday but after I told them about Eret they instantly shot down the idea until I promised them that whilst I was at the sleepover I wouldn't talk or pay attention to Eret. Looking back on it I realise that that was a stupid promise as they wouldn't know if I talked to Eret or not but my six year old self still was planning on going through with the promise, sadly. But it was the only way I could go to the sleepover so I was going to take it.

I told Eret that I could come just before the school day started and they looked happy but I could see out of the corner of my eye that Foolish, who sat next to Eret in the classroom, was giving me a slight glare but I chose to ignore it and the school day went on normally.


Tommy POV:

It was the end of the school day and I was in a great mood, as usual. I had already made a plan for when I got home. I wanted to hang out with Wilbur as it has been a while since we last spent time together and there has been slight tension with us ever since the Techno incident and I wanted to fix it.

Me, Ranboo and Tubbo, or the Bench Trio, walked away from the school and started our trek to our houses. After a couple of minutes, we said goodbye to Ranboo and he enetered his house so it was just me and Tubbo left.

It was a few more minutes before we arrived at the front of our house and as soon as the door opened Tubbo ran straight to our room. I walked into the house, Phil and Kristen were on the sofa watching hells kitchen.

I strooled up the stairs and walked to Wilbur's room. I heard noise on the inside so I knocked on the door. There was no response. I knocked a second time. No response again. I knew it was probably a bad idea but instead of leaving and going away I decided to open the door myself.

I reached up to the door handle and turned it until I heard a slight click sound. I pushed the door open to reveal Wilbur in his listening to music...with a girl.

"OH MY GOD, WILBUR HAS A GIRL IN HIS BED!" I shouted so everyone in the house could hear including Wilbur and the girl. I heard footsteps instantly coming up the stairs and Wilbur exit his bed and look at me with anger in his face.

"Oh, hi Sally" Phil said as he noticed the girl who I guess was called Sally.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Minecraft" She greeted also getting up from the bed, I noticed she had a bit of a bump to her chest.

"Wilbur has a girlfriend, Wilbur has a girlfriend" I repeated as I danced around the hallway.

"Who is this?" I heard Sally ask.

"Oh, that the little gremlin Tommy, I told you about" Wilbur answered still looking at me angrily.

"Oh, hes cute" she said as she bent down to be face to face with me.

"I'm not cute, I'm a big man, I'm the big--" I started before I was interrupted by Wilbur.

"Be quiet Tommy and leave, me and Sally have to talk with Phil and Kristen" Wilbur demanded playfully but I could tell it was serious so I nervously nod my head and run to my room.

I wonder what all that is about?

Wibur POV:

"Oh, you guys need to talk to us?" Mum said as we descended the stairs to the living room.

"Yeah, that's actually why Sally is here today" I responded as the four of us sat on the sofa. Me and Sally were both nervous for what we were going to announce but we had each other's backs if anything went wrong.

"Okay then, what did you want to talk about?" Dad asked getting comfortable on the leather sofa.

I gave Sally a reassurring squeeze to the hand and tried to calm my own nerves before I said "Sally is pregnant". Sitting in front of us were two very shocked people with two very shocked expressions on their faces as expected. It was silent for a few minutes before Dad spoke up.

"What the fuck!" Dad shouted but not in a angry way, thankfully. "You cant be surely right, your both sixteen there's no way you can properly care for a kid, you guys are way too young" Dad finished pacing around the room.

"Are you guys going to keep it?" Mum asked nicely to which we both nod our heads. "Well then congrats you guys" Mum said and gave the two of us a hug.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Dad asked still pacing around the living room.

"Its a girl" Sally spoke up and Mum smiled in excitement as there would finally be another girl in the family instead of another boy.

"How for along are you?" Dad continued to ask questions, still pacing.

"About 4 months or so, I'm not exactly sure, sorry" Sally answered looking down to the floor.

"If you guys think I'm mad or something then dont worry I'm not but I'm just confused at how it happened, ou guys haven't even been dating that long" Dad questioned as he finally sat back down onto the sofa.

"We don't know either really, it was just an accident that happened really" I responded earning a satisfied nod from Dad.

"Well, congrats, I'm excited to see your child"


It was later in the evening, just after dinner, and Sally had just left. I was laying on my bed when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I sighed and reluctantly got up and opened my door to see Tubbo holding his bee blanket and plushie looking scared.

"Hey Tubbo, what's wrong?" I asked concerned, opening the door the entire way and bending down to his level.

"I had a nightmare and I got scared, can you play a song for me?" Tubbo asked innocently with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah of course, come in" I gestured him to enter the room, which he did quickly and climbed onto my bed. I shut my door and walked over to my desk where my guitar laid next to.

"So what song do you want, bud?" I ask Tubbo as I sat on my bed, guitar in my hands.

"One day!" Tubbo answered excitedly already in a better mood.

I played him the song and as I finished I saw Tubbo now asleep on my bed curled up on himself. I smiled to myself as I covered him in his bee blanket and left my bedroom to go and sleep on the couch.

'I hope I can do that for my kid'

The End of Chapter 14.

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