(26) 10 Years

356 14 14

TWs: Homophobia, Hospital, Blood, Fighting, Knife, Swearing, Stabbing (sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

10 years.

10 years is all my parents got in prison for kidnapping and murder. The reason they didn't get more time.

Because the court didn't know if the person that I claimed my father killed was actually dead. I saw it happen with my own eyes. I was six and I was watching my dad beat up a guy to death because he was gay.

"Seroiusly, only ten years, so stupid" I say angrily as me, Tubbo and Micheal enter our apartment. It was the final day of the trial so me and Tubbo took a day of school.

"Ranboo, stop being so angry over it" Tubbo responds with as he helps Micheal take off his coat.

"But with what they have done they should be in prison forever. They literally kidnapped a five year old to get to me" I slouch down onto the sofa as Micheal comes running at me and jumps up onto the sofa next to me, already playing with a toy.

"I know, I know but what can we do, at least we are safe from them" Tubbo says as he also sits down on the sofa.

"For now" I mumble to myself but from the look that Tubbo gave me, he probably heard.

"What do you mean, for now?" Tubbo questions me.

"I mean, once they are out of prison, they are probably going to try and get back at us for putting them in prison in the first place" I answer. Micheal looks up at me with slight fear in his eyes.

I probably shouldn't have said that with him here.

"Oh, sorry Micheal, don't worry they wont do anything to you. I'll make sure they don't" I finish and Micheal instantly clings to me. I smile.

"Okay!" Micheal squeks before running off to his bedroom.


'10 years. I may as well enjoy them' I thought to myself before falling asleep.


I wake up to the sounds of shouting in the kitchen area of our apartment. I try to block out the sounds so I can go back to sleep but it doesn't work so I reluctantly give up and get out of bed.

"Why is there so much shouting?" I ask annoyed as I approach the kitchen. "Oh, hi Tommy" I say as I notice Tommy sitting there next to Micheal with Tubbo making breakfast.

"Hi Ranboo, you look like a mess" Tommy responds with a smile before going back to playing with Micheal.

"Thank you" I shrug before going to get a coffee.

"So why are you here Tommy, shouldn't you be getting ready for school like me and Tubbo should also be doing" I say as I notice the time.

"I'm not going" Tommy replies.

"Oh, why?" I ask curiously as I sip on a coffee.

"Because Fundy accidently overbinded and now he is in hospital, so i'm going to go to the hospital and keep an eye on Will" Tommy answers, looking sad, and I nod in understanding.

"Will Fundy be okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, well probably, it did some damage to his lungs"

"Well send him my best wishes, I need to go and get ready for school." I say as I walk off to the bedroom to get ready.


My nerves are high as me and Tubbo walk into the school. The stares from other students were bad enough before but now that they know about the situation with my parents it is ten times worse.

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