(27) The Final Day of School

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"What? I'm only speaking the truth" Punz shouted back.

"Yes, whatever you believe, but I will not tolerate hate in my class" Mr Halo warned and Punz quickly left the room.


The class had ended and students started to leave the room but just before I was about to, Mr Halo stopped me.

"I know you are Phil's technical son-in-law and he treats you like a son. Me and Phil are good mates and I know it is the final day but I need you to tell me if something is wrong like how long have people been bullying" Mr Halo says. My eyes go wide.

No, I cant have another person pitying me for my mistakes.

"Come on, please tell me, I need to know cause I know all about the stabbing off course but I didn't that people were insulting you like that"

"Ever since my parents trial ended" I spoke queitly but loud enough for Mr Halo to hear through the mask I was wearing like usual.

"So this has been going on for over a month, does it happen everyday?" He asks with genuine concern and worry. I nod in response.

"It was my fault" I state.

"Hey no, don't say that" Mr Halo replies, sipping from the bottle of water he had with him.

"Why, I was the one who came out just to put my parents in jail, now everyone knows and everyone hates me for it" I respond with.

"No, people shouldn't be hating you for that plus you have Phil, Kristin, Wilbur, Techno, your friends and you have me, I have known the minecraft family for a very long time and I know for a fact that they would never ditch you. Both Phil and Kristin think of you like their son and technically you are, sort of but still. I'm just sorry that I haven't noticed you being bullied this entire time" Mr Halo rants.

"It's fine, plus the insults would come anyway, it wouldn't change a thing if I wasn't gay, I would still be insulted about my appearance. Like, yes, it would be way less often but it would still happen. It never stops and it never will" I say before leaving the classroom to go to lunch.

"Oh no you don't". I hear before I get pushed into a wall in the hallway. People watching on, but refusing to help, as Punz holds me in a grip with Sam and Corpse at his side.

"You seriously got me kicked out of class" Punz spits.

"I didn't do anything, you are the one who tried to insult me" I defended myself. There's a slap.

"Don't lie, if you weren't gay, then I would have never said that in the first place so it is your fault for not being normal" I scoff in response. There's another slap.

"Really, scoffing at me, like you are the dominate one here, you f-" Punz started to say before he was inerrupted by a voice to the right.

"Just get away from him" The person says. I stay in the grip of Punz, looking down at the ground.

"Why do you care Dream?" At the name I look to my right to see the dream team standing there. "You hate him as well" Punz finished, getting Sam and Corpse to hold my arms in place as Punz puts a hand around my neck, slowly tightening the grip over time.

"We don't hate him for the same reasons you do, Punz, so I suggest you let go off him and leave before we make you" Dream warns, looking intimadating.

"No" Is all Punz says. Not a second later Dream was attacking Punz and I was on the floor grasping for air.

I lean againest the wall in a sitting position watching the small fight unfold. After a few minutes Punz and his friends scurry away, leaving me at the mercy of the dream team.

The three of them stare down at me. It was a few seconds later when Dream extends a hand for me to get up from the ground. I take the hand, pulling myself up and continue to stare at them.

"Why did you help me?" I ask the three of them.

"Lets just say you're not the only gay person here" Dream answers before the three of them walk away with a smile. Leaving me confused but also happy at the same time that someone would help me.

I never told my friends about the bullying I recieved on the way to meet them at lunch everyday because I didn't want them to pity me even more than they already do.


Finally, hell is over, as soon as the bell rang signifing the end of the lesson and the end of the day I was the first one out of the school. I did not want to stay in that hellhole longer than I needed to.

I waited around the front of the school for my friends, it didn't take long for them to arrive as they were also rushing out of the school.

Once they arrive we instantly fall into conversation but just before we start to walk to the apartment I spot the dream team smiling over to me, so I gave them a quick salute before walking away with my friends.

'What odd people they are'

The End of Chapter 27.

Why do you love me? - An SBI Adoption AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin