Everyone staring at me like I was a bad guy. Fear in some peoples eyes, probably thinking that being a murderer was something passed down with genetics or something stupid.

Me and Tubbo silently walk to tutor group to start of the school day, luckily our tutor group featres all off our friends so that is good, but we didn't see them this morning before school, probably because we were running a bit late.

Only a couple more months of school then we are done.

"Are you okay, Ranboo?" I look to my left to see Tubbo looking at me worried.

"Yeah, i'm fine, its just all the staring making me feel wierd" I respond.

"You'll be fine, it will pass" He reassures me.

As we continue to walk through the school hallways toward our tutor group, I heard a few snickers from people.

"Fag" I hear someone snicker. God, why did the trial have to be public.

"Shut up, prick" I hear Tubbo respond to them as we walk. "Don't worry that will also pass"

"I don't get why I even did it during the trial anyway" I tell Tubbo.

"You did what you had to do to put your parents in prison, I respect that" As Tubbo finishes his sentence we reach our tutor group.

I peer into the classroom to see our friends already in there, that helps.

"Welcome Tubbo,...Ranboo" The teacher welcomes us, definetely reluctant to welcome me.

"Jesus what is everyones problem with me?" I say way louder than I was supposed to. "I get into school, everyone stares and snickers at me, now you saying my name like it was a curse. My parents are bad people, I know that but I am not so I don't get it" I finish and sit down in my seat. I was sat next to Eret.

"That was awesome Ranboo" Eret whispers to me.

"Thanks" I whisper back with a smile.

"Well, now that that is over" The teacher starts to say whilst eyeing me up. I just scoff at him.

'God this is going to be a long day'


Just like I expected. The entire day, constant stares, constant homophobia.

'Why did I have to say anything in the trial, I should have kept my mouth shut' I thought to myself as the seven of us start our journey home.

"Are you sure you're okay, Ranboo, it was pretty rough today?" Aimsey asks. Thats like the fifth time in ten minutes my friends have asked me that.

"Yes, I am okay, all the insults and stares and everything will stop soon enough i'm sure, I cant deal with it" I was getting annoyed, I loved my friends and all but them constantly asking was getting on my nerves.

"Well then, explain what happened in tutor?" Foolish asked as we walked in the direction of the apartment block.

"Its just that I expected the students to be dickheads but when a teacher, none the less a teacher that I enjoy having, starts being rude. It just broke me" I explained and all my friends looked at me with pity. "Stop that" I warned and they all quickly looked away from me.


We continued on the walk, now only a few minutes away from the apartment, I noticed a man walking our way with anger written onto his face. As he approached us he grabbed my shirt and pushed me into a wall.

"What the fuck?" I say as I try to get out of his grip but he was stronger than me. My friends look on in shock until Foolish and Eret manage to pull off the man and push him away from him.

Why do you love me? - An SBI Adoption AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora