All Alone - Chapter 1

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Emery was sitting inside her cozy living room, in front of her was the roaring fire mantel. Her home brought her comfort at the end of a hard day. It was a stone cottage at the edge of a small town. It wasn't that big, only two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen with a breakfast nook, and the living room which she was currently in. Curled up in her favorite recliner, sipping some warm tea and trying to read a book, however, it lay abandoned on her lap.

Instead, she shifted her gaze from the small couch and reading table in front of her to stare out the window, at the darkness. Emery thought about her late husband, wishing she didn't feel so alone. Right before he had his sickness they had been trying for children, unfortunately, the sickness took over before they were able to bring a child into the world together. Looking at all the trinkets and pictures and the empty chair he used to sit in just made her feel all the more alone, sadness filling her.

Everyone in the small town of Heartland, always sent her pitying looks that she hated to see. It didn't help her to see the sympathy deep in everyone's eyes, if only she had that child so that she would have had someone to comfort and pour her love into instead. Emery reached up with her hand and wiped tears off her face. Why couldn't life have gone so differently? What did she ever do to the universe to get her happiness torn away?

All through the week, she had been thinking more and more about her situation and how lonely she was. She tried to set it aside and be strong, especially when she was around others. After all, she would run into people all the time, working for Mr. Johnson at the General Store.

His store was the only place people could shop for food. The town only consisted of Main Street, Eastway Street, and Church Street, all the shops, church, library, and anything you might need could be found on those three streets, and what they didn't have you would need to buy online. There was also a small section of houses scattered here and there, with everyone else scattered out on farms. Avoiding their looks was a full-time job in and of itself, it seemed like people would come in just to give her advice or comfort.

Knowing that people genuinely cared for her was nice, after all, everyone here treated each other like family. It just got tiring to put on a fake reassuring smile so that you didn't have to hear any more well-intended cheer-up speeches. It drove her crazy at times, speaking of crazy, Emery felt like she needed to go to a Doctor's office because she kept on seeing a man, dressed all in white, following her around.

It must be just a coincidence, after all, they did get visitors in town fairly often, with the train that ran through taking people to the bigger cities. It was quite possible to see the same person around town, sometimes they had city people charmed by the quiet of small-town life, and they stayed at the local inn to experience it.

Suddenly a knock at the door startled her out of her reverie, who on earth could be at the door at this hour of the night? Picking herself up out of her comfy chair, she made her way to her front door. Since it was a safe town, Emery figured it must be one of her neighbors, but what in the world could they possibly need now?

Opening the door, her hallway light pierced out through the darkness and spilled onto her small porch, what she saw truly startled her. There on her porch, not far from the swing her husband had built, is a darling baby girl in a basket. Emery was genuinely surprised, where had this angel come from? Looking all around outside Emery saw no one, her heart melted as she picked up the bundle. Maybe the universe wasn't so bad after all, this was an answer to her prayers, she would take this baby girl and raise her as her own.

Whoever had left her here must have had a reason, but all the little girl had with her inside the basket was a very interesting pocket watch. Who just left a child without anything else but a watch? Never mind all that, she needed to get this sweetheart inside, she would take care of the child and love her with all her heart. She quietly thanked whoever had given her this opportunity and looking down at the sweet face she whispered, "Don't you worry little one, I'm here now."

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