one - good morning

911 21 1


I woke up bright and early, sort of, to get ready for school. First day of junior year, to be exact. I had around an hour to get ready and it took me 15 minutes to walk to school. Buses don't run near my house that early in the morning so, to my legs dismay, I had to walk. I usually got there early and my ETA for today is 8:45, giving me 15 minutes to sit and catch up with my friends.

I finished up getting ready before grabbing a bite to eat and my mom's home-made citrus tea to go. I set off walking to see my favourite face standing at the end of my driveway. Jiwoo, or as I like to call her, Chuu. I don't really know where the nickname came from, all I can say is how well it suited her and how well it caught on, with almost everyone who knew her now calling her Chuu and even her Instagram handle being @ chugummy .

We walked and talked before arriving to school and setting our stuff down at our desks. We chatted and laughed for what felt like five minutes but was actually 15. I realised this after our teacher walked in and told us to quiet down. I liked this teacher, he was cute. Not in a wierd way, but in a you-never-want-anyone-to-hurt-him way. You know? After he put us in our seating plan for the year. He handed out our syllabus for the semester and told us to look over them. At that moment, a familiar face walked through the door. Wearing a dark blue hoodie that covered her uniform, sweat pants beneath her skirt with her headphones in. Jung Jinsoul. She was always late, not too late to get it put on her attendance mark but late enough to get away with it. Despite her lack of attention to any class that she was in, she always got more than decent grades. For a while I suspected her for cheating but after spying on her through multiple pop-quizzes, I realised she must just be one of those naturally-smart people.

"Sorry" she told the teacher in a low tone with a slight smirk on her face, knowing she'd get away with it. "A minute later and it would've gone on your record Miss Jung." he told her even though he knew that Jinsoul knew exactly what game she was playing. He looked back at a paper sat on his desk and back up towards my direction before he pointed at the empty seat next to me and told her to take a seat as he handed her the syllabus.

She sat down, flashing a smile at me before she ignored the syllabus that our teacher had given her and lay her head down on her arm, facing me.

fixation - lipsoulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz