Chapter 5

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(y/n) was busy getting his homework done when he heard his phone going off.

"Oh man..."

He decided to put his homework away and answer the call.


Yumeko: "Hello, boyfriend!"

"Why do you keep calling me that?! You know I don't being called that!"

Yumeko: "But I just love seeing you blush!"

"You're just--"

Yumeko: "Just what exactly?"

"...teasing me at this point."

Yumeko: "I know."

"Look, I'm kind of in the middle of doing some work right now--"

Yumeko: "Is it okay if I come over to help?"

"You mean now?"

Yumeko: "Yes."


Yumeko: "How many questions do you have left?"

"Yumeko, you're starting to creep me out."

Yumeko: "It's only going to be for a little bit."

"Now that you mention it, I do only have a few questions left..."

Cut to Yumeko helping (y/n) with homework

"Man, these questions are hard."

Yumeko"I can see why you struggle with math."

"Yeah. I hate math in general."

Yumeko: "It's not all that hard. You just rush through your work to get things done quicker."

"But that makes it an even bigger pain!"

Yumeko: "Still, I hope you understand this."

"Okay, Yume. I do."

Yumeko: "Yume?"

"Well, you call me "boyfriend", so why don't I give you a nickname?"

Yumeko: oh.

"Oh man. It's late. I think you should be heading home."

Yumeko: "I can stay here if you want."

"Nah, you should be--"

Yumeko then got on her knees.

"Yumeko, are you begging to stay here?"

Yumeko: "I don't know, what does it look like to you?"

"At this point, you are basically begging to stay with me."

Yumeko: "It's just for one night!"

(y/n) sighed.

Cut to that night...

Yumeko: "Your bed feels comfy."

"Yet it was only intended for one person."

Yumeko then climbed on top of "her boyfriend".

"Yumeko, what are you--"

Yumeko: "Boyfriend, the next few minutes are going to be heaven for both of us."

"Say wha--"

Yumeko Jabami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now