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"No, he's not! How could you even say that about your son?" Arabella questioned Mikael, disgusted that he would even say that. "You're a disgusting human being and I don't blame Esther for having an affair."

"How dare you for saying that." Mikael replied. "I can beat you in a fight any time, and you know that."

"I don't think that you can," she closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them again, her eyes turned yellow. "If he's an abomination then so am I."

"I never even liked you, you were never in our family, and I don't even know why you were a part of the vampire making process. You should have never become a vampire with us!"

"Father!" Kol exclaimed. "Bella, has always been a part of our family and just because you found out she is a werewolf doesn't mean that she gets to be thrown out. That isn't right, and you should accept Bella and Nik for who they are. They didn't choose what they were going to be. Maybe you shouldn't have killed us in the first place."

"I have never been more disappointed that you're my son." Mikael responded to Kol.

"That's it!" Arabella exclaimed as she ran over to Mikael, and bit into his neck. He fell backwards onto the ground, and screamed in pain. The bite looked a lot different from how normal vampire bites usually do.

"What did you just do?" Kol asked. "Why is your bite so different from the rest of ours? Is that going to affect him differently? Why did you just do that?"

"I- I don't know." Arabella replied. "I just got so angry that I didn't realize what I was doing. I'm sorry, Mikael," she paused, "I didn't know what I was doing... Please don't disown me from your family.."

"I can't even look at you right now... I have to go see if Esther can even heal this bite on my neck."

"I swear that I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You were just not thinking, you already said that." Mikael replied. "I can't believe we allowed you into our house!"

"Mikael!" Esther exclaimed. "How about you stop talking before you say something that you regret."

"I regret letting her into our home!" He replied, "Look," he turned his head to show the infected bite that was growing on his neck, "She did this to me, and Niklaus can do the same thing!"

"I'm sure that there is something that we can do to fix this. You can't blame Arabella for something that she cannot control."

"Aren't you frightened? They are an abomination!"

"You're saying that is what got you in this situation in the first place, so how about we find a different word?" Kol told his father. "And Arabella already apologized for hurting you, but you know that with our heightened emotions that she will react way worse than she usually does."

"Thank you?" Arabella questioned, not sure if what he was saying was an insult or complement. She looked over at Mikael, "Look, people throughout my entire life called me an abomination, and whenever you said that something snapped. I'm sorry that it ended like that but you were asking for it."

"You should have told us you were a werewolf. We would have never turned you into a vampire if we would have known." Mikael replied.

"There was no way of knowing that their werewolf gene would carry over whenever they died. I would have thought that it would go away once Niklaus became a vampire." Esther stated. "I tried to stop him from triggering this curse for years."

"You did?"

"I will explain more once Niklaus has transitioned back." Esther looked over at Arabella, "Is there any way that you can track him and make sure that he is okay?"

Arabella nodded her head.

"Great." Esther replied. "Bring Elijah with you and a blanket."

"I will go get him." Arabella said. She looked over at Kol, "Can you grab me a blanket from the clothing line in the back?"


Arabella and Kol left Esther and Mikael alone.

"How are you not freaking out over finding out that Arabella is one of them?" Mikael questioned. "Aren't you terrified of her?"

"Of course I am, Mikael." Esther replied. "We will be using the rest of Tatia's blood and making their werewolf side dormant."

"And how will you keep them still?"

"We will figure that out once we get to that point." Esther stated. "Right now, we have to figure out how to heal you from that bite, because it isn't looking too good."


Arabella, Kol and Elijah walked through the woods looking for Niklaus. They were silent on this walk until Elijah started a conversation:

"How could you keep this a secret from our parents? We all could have helped you get control of both sides."

"The fact that you even said that means that you don't understand." Arabella replied. "I knew how your parents would have taken it if they found out. Mikael hates werewolves. I'm sorry that I just wanted a family. I didn't think that they would kill us!"

"As soon as you found out that you were both you should have told them. Our mother can help you."

"No, Esther will try and keep the one side dormant." Arabella stated. "There is no way that she will let Niklaus and I be both."

"You don't know that."

"The way that Mikael looked at me," she paused, "He is certainly talking Esther into doing something right now."

"You did bite him." Kol commented. "How do we know if you will do the same thing to us?"

"I didn't mean to hurt him and you know that!" Arabella exclaimed. "I feel horrible about doing that to him."

"Yeah, you seem very torn about it."

Arabella turned to the brothers and huffed, "Okay, what are your guys' problems? You two knew that I was a werewolf before we were turned. Why are you acting like this now? I thought you two would always be by my side."

Before they could reply to her, they heard someone crying in the distance. She took the blanket and ran in the direction that she heard the crying in.

Niklaus was curled up in a ball and crying. He had blood all over his face. Arabella knelt down next to him, and covered him with the blanket.

She then hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Are you okay?" Elijah and Kol heard her ask their brother.

"I am now that you're here." Niklaus whispered into her hair. "I could see every person that I was killing.. I couldn't stop myself."

Arabella looked behind him and saw the bodies that he had torn apart. She looked into her boyfriend's eyes and brushed away the tears that were falling down his face.

"Being a werewolf shouldn't be something that you are ashamed of." Arabella stated. "You will get through this. I will help you."

Niklaus nodded his head and hugged her again.


"You did what to our father?" Niklaus questioned while they walked back towards their house.

"I was so angry. I didn't know what I was doing." Arabella replied. "He was calling us things that got me so angry, and I wasn't thinking."

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know. We left before we could check on him."

"I am okay." They heard Mikael say. "Esther found some of Arabella's blood and that cured my bite."

"My blood cured your bite?" Arabella questioned.

"That's the question that you're asking? Shouldn't you ask how mother even got your blood in the first place?" Elijah replied.

"I guess that probably would have been a better question."

"Come on," Mikael stated, "Mother has some explaining to do." 

Stay Away// Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now