"Dinner!" Esther exclaimed, which woke Arabella up from her day dream. She couldn't stop thinking about her family. What were they doing right now?

"Are you coming?" Henrik questioned her.

"Yes," She replied, taking his hand in hers and following him down the stairs. "Henrik?"

"Yes, Arabella?"

"What do you think-" She stopped herself before she could question the youngest Mikaelson. "Never mind."


Arabella sat in between Niklaus and Kol at the dinner table. Esther had made a meal that she had never seen before.

"How was your day with Niklaus, Arabella?" Esther questioned the girl, as she dug into the cooked rabbit.

"It was fine." She looked over at Mikael and took a deep breath before asking, "So, what will you tell people when they ask why you have a person of color in your family?"

"I would say that it is none of their bloody business." Mikael responded. "I don't think that anyone will question a man with a sword in his hands."

"You would be surprised what people would say.." Arabella stated. "In my old village they hated anyone who carried a sword, and they hated outsiders in general."

Elijah looked up from his food, and questioned the new addition to the family, "Were you an outsider?"

"Yes. Me and my parents and I moved there a few months ago." She replied. "We moved around quite often."

"What made you move around so often?" Niklaus asked.

"It's complicated."

The room went quiet. The only sound was coming from the forks contacting the plate.

Mikael put his fork down next to his plate, and stared at Arabella, "We have some rules that you will have to follow."

"We do?" Esther questioned her husband.

Mikael looked up at his wife and nodded his head.

"Of course. What will those rules be?" Arabella asked, nervous about what the rules would be.

"You cannot under any circumstances be with any of the other children."

"Why would you think that I would-"

"And you will never interrupt me while I am talking." Mikael continued. "Lastly, you will never speak of your parents outside of this household. You are now a Mikaelson and we can't let anyone know that you're a Daughtery."

"Mikael." Esther stated, she said it as she was disappointed about what was coming out of her husband's mouth. "You can't seriously believe that she will ever-"

Mikael didn't care for what his wife was saying. He looked back at Arabella and asked her, "Are we clear, Arabella?"


"Mikael Mikaelson!" Esther exclaimed. Everyone at the table looked over at the woman, frightened of what she might say next. "You can't have all these unreasonable rules.."

"I don't think they are unreasonable. Do you think so, Arabella?" Mikael questioned the girl- who looked like she was about to throw up.

"No, I don't." Arabella replied. She turned to look at Esther, "It's okay, Esther. If he wants to set rules-"

Mikael slammed his hands on the table, "I am only setting these rules because I want people to believe that you're actually a part of my family! You can't go walking around with Niklaus and look like you two are going steady."

Stay Away// Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now