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As they walked back, they were both silent until Niklaus broke the silence, "Just tell me if you don't love me back."

"What?" Arabella questioned, shocked that he would even say that.

"I want you to tell me if you don't love me back. I can handle it, I just need to know."

Arabella went silent again for a minute, "I do love you, Nik. When you said that I was shocked and I couldn't seem to reply to you. Don't take my silence for an immediate rejection, I just needed time to soak in what you said. My last relationship was so abusive and I wanted to make sure that I was sure that I was in love before I said it again," she paused, "Plus I wasn't planning on falling in love so quickly after him."

Niklaus didn't hesitate and kissed her immediately after she was finished talking. He gave her a big hug, "I'm sorry that I went to the worst possible situation. Us Mikaelson's never take anything truly well."

"Same with us Daugherty's." Arabella laughed. "I actually haven't thought about my parents in months. I'm guessing that they would be extremely embarrassed with how I am now."

"And I don't think that they would be pleased with you being involved with someone that has a lot of family issues."

"Trust me, Nik, I have had worse boyfriends," she paused, "My last boyfriend, Preston, never accepted me after he found out I was a werewolf. One full moon, I was in the middle of a transition whenever him and the village people came to attack my pack. I don't remember much after I turned but when I woke up that morning, the whole village was dead, and to make sure that we were never tracked, my parents decided to burn the whole village to the ground. We decided to leave that day, and that's when we came here," she paused again, "But I didn't realize that someone from Preston's family survived: his brother Emmanuel. He came here one day."

"I remember how upset you were that day. You said that you got angry at him after he made outrageous claims about you."

Arabella took a deep breath, "He told me that Preston had a reason to be always angry with me-"

After seeing how upset she was talking about this, Nik told her, "You don't have to talk about this if you don't want to."

"You deserve to know."


"I was pregnant with this man's baby." She stated. "This one day I was having a hard time with the pregnancy symptoms, and I was constantly throwing up," she paused, "I was folding my laundry when he came storming into my house. He had been drinking after having a hard day at work," she started crying, "He was looking for a fight and he thought that his pregnant girlfriend was the perfect target. I was trying to calm him down, but nothing was working and he punched me to the ground," her constant tears kept her from talking for a minute.

"You don't-"

Arabella shook her head, "No, I need to tell you this."

Niklaus starts crying with her, "I can't handle seeing you in this pain."

"Once I got punched to the floor, he began to kick me repeatedly in the stomach. I screamed at him to please stop, but he was so drunk.. He kicked me for what seemed like an hour," she paused, "I lost my baby that night."

Niklaus turned around and punched a tree, but with his strength the tree broke in half and fell to the ground.

"How could you stay with him after that? He killed your baby!"

"Nik, it wasn't so simple. He had some kind of emotional hold on me, and I couldn't leave."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I wasn't ready to tell you yet until I knew that we were serious." Arabella replied. "Plus this isn't something that I tell people."

"What made you decide to tell me?"

"Knowing that we're in love, I wanted you to know what happened in my past."

"I guess I now know why you were so intense when you first arrived," he laughed. He reached out to hold her hand. "If he wasn't already dead, I would go and kill him for doing that to you."

Arabella smiled and kissed him.

"I don't know how he could ever treat you badly." Niklaus stated. "I never thought that I would find someone that I love this much."

"I have that effect on people." She laughed. "We probably should go check on Elijah. He seemed scared after he killed Tatia."

"He loved her. I would imagine that he would feel horrible." Niklaus replied. "But before we go back, do you want to find some food? I'm starving."

"I can't refuse food."

Niklaus took Arabella's hand in his, and they walked towards the other houses in the village. There was one couple still outdoors.

They looked at each other and smiled as they sped over to the couple. Arabella took the woman, and Niklaus took the male. They both bit into their necks.

Arabella couldn't stop the feeding once she started, and sucked her dry. She wiped her face, and threw the woman's dead body on the floor.

She was smiling until she looked over at her boyfriend, and he knelt to the ground while holding the male's body.

It was his first human kill.

Arabella knelt down next to Niklaus and tried to comfort him at that moment. He wasn't looking up at her and it took her putting her hand underneath his chin and lifting his head up to face her.

When he did that she noticed that his eyes had changed colors. It was now a bright yellow.

The color yellow that her eyes always turn.

"Nik.." Arabella stated to her boyfriend. "I need you to focus on my voice, okay? What you're about to experience is a pain that you have never felt before, but once it's over... You have never felt anything like it before. Just trust me."

"What are you talking about?"

Arabella sighed and took the body out of his hands and threw it on the ground. She took his hands in hers, and looked into his eyes.

"You've triggered your curse, and before your bones start breaking-"

"You're wrong. I won't-" But he was cut off by the bones in his shoulder starting to break. He started to scream out in pain, which made Arabella start to tear up.

"Don't fight it, it will only make the pain worse." She told him. "Just know that when you get back, I will be there to help you."

"I love you." Niklaus stated before he turned into a wolf, and ran off into the forest.

"I love you, too."

"When I heard Niklaus screaming, I thought something else was happening out here." Kol said. "Is he-"

"I'm guessing your parents will have a lot of explaining to do." Arabella replied to Kol. "Maybe this is the whole reasoning behind Mikael hating Nik."

"What do you mean?"

"He isn't a werewolf so that means that Esther must have had an affair that resulted in her having Niklaus."

"I don't think he knows." Kol said, pointing at his father who was behind Arabella. She turned around and Mikael slapped her across the face.

"Why in the world would you say that!" Mikael exclaimed.

"Because Niklaus just turned into a werewolf. Now, unless you are secretly a wolf, I would assume that means that Esther was with another man."

"If it's true that Niklaus is a wolf- He's an abomination!"

"No, he's not! How could you even say that about your son?" Arabella questioned Mikael, disgusted that he would even say that. 

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