"I never thought that I would ever need to say this, but he has never been so 'sexually frustrated' before." Elijah stated. He shook his head immediately after saying that, "I apologize for ever saying that. I am now scarred."

Arabella laughed, "I guess I just wanted this relationship to be different from my others. Nik makes me feel beautiful, and I just don't want him to realize that I can be hideous."

Kol put his hand on hers, and looked in her eyes, "If Nik ever finds you hideous then I will personally fight him."

Rebekah and Elijah raised their hands, "Me too."

Arabella smiled at them, "Thank you."


The next morning, Arabella went on her usual walk around the town, she gathered food that other people owed Esther, and went to bring it to her home.

As she was walking back, she got tapped on the shoulder. She turned around and saw someone that she would never see again.

"Hi, Bella."

"Emmanuel.. I thought-"

"You thought that I wouldn't find you after Preston and my parents are dead?" Emmanuel questioned, leaving Arabella speechless. "How did you get out alive? My village is completely gone, but you don't seem to have a single burn on you."

"Emmanuel, can we please have this conversation at another time? I have to get this food back to-"

"Your parents? I would love to see Maia and Russell again. Please lead the way."

"I don't have any idea where my parents are. I am living with a different family, so can I please get back to them before they get worried?"

"Your parents finally realized that-"

"Don't say anything about my parents, okay? They left me because they are cowards, and I have finally been in a place where I am okay with it. So can you please just leave me alone?"

"Preston would want me to make sure that you are well taken care of."

"No he wouldn't." Arabella stated. "Before he died he broke up with me because I started becoming more independent."

"He wouldn't do that."

"Of course you wouldn't think that he would do that, but he did. He was always so angry, and I allowed him to get angry with me for no reason."

"I'm sure that he had a reason."

Arabella took a few steps closer to him, and put her face in his, "Was it my fault that he got so angry with you that he took it out on me; I was PREGNANT and he beat the crap out of me," she started crying, "I lost my BABY! He took so much from me, so don't you dare tell me that he had a reason for beating me."

"I'm sure that he didn't know that you were pregnant. He would never-"

"He knew." Arabella stated. "He knew and still decided that it was okay to continuously kick me in the stomach. He left me on the ground curled up in a ball crying. I had a pool of blood on the ground and he didn't even ask if I was okay. He didn't care."

"He still didn't deserve to die in a fire."

"No he didn't." Arabella replied, "I truly do not want to talk about Preston anymore if you are going to continue to defend him."

"Sorry." Emmanuel said. "I mainly wanted to see how you were doing after all of that."

"I'm good."

Stay Away// Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now