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Camille had gotten in the shower while both me and Klaus were downstairs talking to Elijah.

"Is she okay?" Elijah asked, looking between me and Klaus.

"She's just risen from the dead", Klaus said, sitting down with a glass of bourbon whilst I stood up.

"She needs to feed, her mood will change for the better and she'll stay somewhat alive", I told both of them, "in the meantime, we need to do something about that red head bitch. First me, now Camille, she needs to be slaughtered and if none of you are going to do it, then I will".

"Agreed, Luci, after the serratura has been recovered. Freya's pendant is missing", Elijah tells me.

"No, now, Elijah. If she dies that fixes practically all of your problems. Why are you so keen on holding back?" I questioned, feeling the anger course through.

"I want the de Martels dead just as much as you, Luci-", Elijah began.

"Then lets get on with it!" I raised my hands, watching as Elijah shook his head.

"Luci. Think. Both of you", Elijah looked between me and Klaus, "Tristan needs the most powerful witch in the city to activate that weapon. A regent".

"Vincent", Klaus replied, standing up, "who was once possessed by Finn".

"There we go, your answers. Lets go fetch the witch", I told them both, just as I was heading to the door Klaus sped before me.

"No, you stay here. Elijah will go. Camille will need you", Klaus told me. I hesitated before looking over to Elijah. He gave me a reassuring nod.


"This light is killing me", Cami groaned as she made her way into the room.

"It'll get better", I told her.

"Why is the music so loud?" She questioned, "why does everything hurt so much?" She cried.

"When you feed, your heightened senses will cease to be painful and become euphoric", Klaus explained, standing beside me as we both watched Cami rest on the table in exhaustion.

"You just assume I'm going to do it?" Camille asked, raising her head and looked over to both of us, "feed on human blood? What did I expect, I chose to live here, knowing what you are. What the hell did I think was going to happen? This was only going to end one way. I deserve this".

I furrowed my brows, walking over to her as she sat on the couch.

"No one deserves this", Klaus told her, "not unless they choose it, and some of us don't have that choice. We just have to survive what is forced upon us".

"But I do have a choice. I can choose not to feed", Cami said, I looked at her confused, when she turned to me she shook her head, "what did you think was going to happen, Luci? You created vampires, you must of known something like this was bound to happen one day".

"You're right. I created vampires. I know everything there is about them. I know that the transition is slow if you don't feed straight away. I know it's painful if you don't feed, and it only gets more painful until you eventually die. Is that what you want? A slow, painful death?" I questioned her. 

"If it means I won't turn into a vampire", Camille said, shrugging.

I sighed, looking over to her finally and gave her a tight smile, "fine, if you want that, then you can have it".

With that, I left the room, left the compound, and walked into the streets of parades.

Not bothering to be even the slightest bit concerned of my surroundings, I didn't realise I was being watched and followed.. So, when a bag was ragged over my head, I was a little surprised. Despite my struggle against whomever it was, they had injected me with presumably vervain, making me weak.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐀Where stories live. Discover now