🅒hapter 32- What?

Start from the beginning

‘I'll treat you a dog? I-i-i mean is that, I'll treat you as same as you now. I mean I like dogs too, but not as high like cats’

This is my only weakness, people asking me if dogs or cats! I like all dogs except those one who bites.

“Young master, the letter from the academy came” the maid said. I opened my door and saw that young maid back in the intruder incident.

“Where is the letter?” I asked, she bowed and answered my question very politely. “The letter is still in the hands of Lady Zandra.” she said.

I sighed and thanked her, and went to the direction of my father's office where my aunt's table is put.

I knocked on the door three times and heard an answer. I opened the door and saw auntie handing out some papers to my father.

“Brother, for the next few days, people from the south will start to search for him in the misty forest of Gershwin Kingdom.” I heard auntie Zandra said.

“Who are you gonna find?” I said. The two siblings looked at me and smiles. “No one” the duke said.

Why is everyone like to hides secrets!?!

[That's why it's a secret master, hide this and that?]

‘Ah, yes. Hehe’

Aunt Zandra then remembers what I came here and went to her table and rummage through the thick and messy table.

“Here you go Seth.” aunt Zandra said and gave it to me, I smiled and bowed. “Thank you aunt Zandra” I said.

“I guess I have nothing to do so I'll just go back to my room, father, auntie Zandra” I said and closed the door.

I was walking in the hallway, while opening the letter. When I saw Darlin, laughing like a lunatic.

Sigh. What a waste of a good Female Lead, the writer just wasted it and made it into a lunatic. I shook my head and focused on my letter.

I read the letter and went to continue my walk.

“So I'm was put in the lowest class? The moon class? And I was put in a color violate section,ah wait lilac colour?” I mumbled as I read the letter.

As far as I remember, there are nature, wind, holy, earth, fire, water classes are the most important one, and dark class and moon is the least favorite class.

As for the rankings, it was arranged by colours.

There is red and blue for the highest rankings, students wear a batch that has the color of every ranking. The next colours are green and orange, that's the second highest ranking.

Lastly are lilac and white. And I belonged to the moon and lilac category. I don't know what I'm talking about.

Okay like this I don't know if you all readers can understand, cause me and the author doesn't understand! This girl(cryingwriter) doesn't even understand her own novel!

Okay umm, so my magic type is dark and also moony(the hell I'm I making words) type. In the moon class is where only like..... 1,2,3,4.....7! There is only 7 students in that class this year!

So I'm going to be a shame and disgrace for having this type of magic? People really don't like dark class magic, cause some of the history behind it.

But the society have accepted it I guess, I mean like I think dark magic is cool and amazing. Moon and dark magic is just relatively the same, I don't know why they separated it.

Like I like moon and black and stuff, my mom is a dark dragon and he was rare! And my dad totally don't deserve him. Why I'm I moody?

Hehe, I don't know.....

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