
I shot my eyes open despite the soap that now burned and saw Draco, his body bare just as mine. I gulped and couldn't help the way my eyes tore themselves down his chest, past his legs and at...

At it.


"I'm not a very patient person, Honey" he whispered and before I could get another word, he'd stepped in and smashed his lips into me. The motion took me by surprise, with my hands and body still covered in soap, I wasn't sure if he even wanted me to touch him.

But he didn't seem to care by the way he pressed his body against mine, causing me to stumble back against the tiles. My head hit the wall but the pain didn't bother me much. The rush I felt took my my body and I opened my mouth so he could slip his tongue.

He happily did as such and took my hips into his hands, grasping the slippery skin. He didn't get a very firm grip due to the soap but this just seemed to excite him more as I felt it poke the inside of my thigh.

Too lost in the lust to care, I didn't even question when his kisses reached down my jaw, trapping every space of clear skin between his lips and not letting go until the discolouration spiked and it'd show above.

I moaned when feeling his tongue run underneath my earlobe. He repeated the action and it only made the throbbing between my thighs continue and worsen.

"I found it" he mumbled against my skin.

"Found—found what?" I breathed quietly.

"Your sweet spot" he answered, focusing solely on the part that made my skin tingle.

"Wow" was all I managed to get out as his assault continued down my body until he ended up on his knees, placing kisses across my stomach as the hot water crusaded over the two of us.

I sighed another moan, reaching down to run my fingers through his wet and tangle hair.

"Before I go any further" he looked up at me, his pale blue hues staring so deep into my soul that I felt like I could never keep anything from him "Are you ok? Is this ok?"

"Yes" I answered without hesitation "Yes, Draco. Merlin, just do something before I collapse. I can't stand—oh god" I felt my knees buck and almost tumble if it wasn't for the grip Draco had on my hip as he attached his lips to my clit, sucking so slow, so sensual and oh, so good.

Draco's tongue went every way, not a inch that he hadn't explored and made me shutter while doing so. I'd never experienced the concept of cloud 9 until just now and I didn't know how much long I was going to last if he kept doing it.

I unintentionally gripped his hair tight, pulling his head back away from me.

"Are you ok?" He stared up at me "did I—"

"No, no" I quickly said "I just—I want... I want more"

He smiled and stood up to attach his lips to mine. The layer of myself on his lip was oddly erotic and only left me hearing for more.

"What do you want?" He teased, Tracing his fingers up and down my stomach.

"You" I answered "I just want you"

"Yeah?" He asked which I responded to with a quick nod "Beg"

My eyes widened "What?"

"You want it so bad so you'll beg me to fuck you" He taunted, slowly rubbing a single finger over my clit. The feeling clogged my mind and it was hard to get out a single word, let alone a sentence.

Honey; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now