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A tired sigh escaped Cassie's lips as she glanced around with an impassive expression plastered across her face. Many couples filled the local bar, dancing the night away to the music that echoed through the air with their partners while others sat around the corner in the booths, chatting away pleasantly.

She often came here when she wanted to clear her mind from everything, not the best place, but it stuck. Cassie played around with the glass of her cold lemonade drink. There was no point in her drinking since alcohol had no effect on her.

She felt someone walking up to her, letting out an internal sigh before turning to face Tony Stark. "You're a long way from home, Anthony Stark."

"And you're a hard person to track down, Miss Hunter," Tony retorted, dressed in his Iron-Man outfit. 

He aimed his repulsors at her in warning. "I know what you're capable of, especially from our last encounter. You're a potential threat and I'm here to bring you in, to SHIELD."

"Don't be so quick to judge me," she stated calmly. "After all, you only see what I choose to show you."

"Like I said, you're a threat who must be taken in for questioning before we can clear anything." Tony said. 

She could sense that the rest of the mortals in the bar had left and even the bartender was nowhere to be found, leaving them two alone.

"You know, it never ceases to amuse me how they always come after me first," Cassie told him. "But to your disappointment, you and your friends that are hiding will be leaving empty handed tonight."

"It doesn't have to come down to this," Tony warned.

"You're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me, Stark," Cassie stated, and the calmness in her tone sent chills down Tony's spine. "But you can't."

She stood up from her seat and began making her way towards the exit. "Have a nice night."

With that she walked out of the bar and onto the eerily quiet parking lot of the bar.

"Hey, stop!" Tony burst through the doors behind her, shooting a warning blast over her head. Cassie watched as a couple of his friends began to surround her, more new faces than she'd encountered at the tower.

"Need I have to repeat myself again?" Cassie sighed. "You all cannot beat me. And I advise you to leave before things start to get ugly."

"Not going to happen," Steve stated, stepping forward towards her.

"Suit yourself." Cassie shrugged.

The daughter of Poseidon's eyes began to glow with unpredictable power as she concentrated on the ground below, feeling a slight tug in her gut. Before they could do anything, she extended her arm out calmly and flicked her wrist as if she were flipping a switch.

SURVIVOR ➸ pjo x marvel crossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora