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Cassie and Elias soon found out that Percy was being held captive at the Avengers' Tower. It wasn't a hard building to find, seeing as it was the only huge building with a massive capital 'A' glowing at the top.

The two walked straight in, knocking the guards out that tried to stop them outside. The receptionist stood up, calling out to the two.

"Excuse me, you cannot enter-"

Elias's eyes glowed as he compelled the mortal. "Stand aside and let us through."

The mortal obliged, nodding and giving the two access through the doors. The twins barged through, swiftly moving through the horde of agents that came their way at every floor and leaving them all unconscious on the ground.

"I thought these mortals would've known better," Elias stated as he punched another agent, entering what seemed like the living room of the floor.

"They're not exactly renowned for their genius, brother," Cassie replied.

"So, where's the ringleader of this circus?" Elias yelled as he glanced around. "Too afraid to show their face?"

"I'm right here," a robotic voice replied.

The two turned their attention to a man wearing a yellow and red metal suit, walking towards them, his repulsors raised at the two. The slits in his mask where his eyes were, glowed with blue light as did the small circle in the centre of his chest plate.

Elias raised his eyebrows at him unimpressively. "You?"

"Yes, me," he replied. "Now stand down, both of you, and do as I say."

"Look, metal person, I don't know what book or movie you're cosplaying for, but we're not going to follow you to ComicCon. So, just let us through to our brother, and it would be deeply appreciated," Cassie said.

"One, I'm not a cosplayer. Second, have you never heard of me? I'm Iron Man," the robot man stated in a proud tone while the two shook their heads.

"Tony Stark? Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?" He listed, his helmet retracting back into his suit, showing his face, while the two stared at him blankly.

"Don't know, don't care," Elias told him uninterestingly. "Now, let us through, tin can, before things start to get ugly."

Tony ignored the nickname, his repulsors glowing, "I said stand down, and no one has to get hurt."

"Besides you?" Cassie taunted, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I'm warning you," Tony started, his mask dropping back down. "You both are coming with me. We can do this the easy way ... or the hard way."

"And what if we refuse?" Elias asked.

"The hard way it is then," Tony replied, pointing his arm directly at his face.

But before he could fire, Cassie was already in front of him in a blur, grabbing him in a headlock and slamming him roughly to the ground. He aimed his repulsors at her, but she grabbed him by the arm and threw him across the floor with incredible force.

Elias was suddenly intercepted by Steve, who charged at him with his shield, hitting him square in the side, and sending him back a couple of feet against the wall. Elias glanced at the blond in mild annoyance before charging at him.

Steve raised his shield, ready to deflect his attack, but Elias swiped a kick at his legs, sending him to the ground with a thud. The super soldier rose quickly and went to strike, but received a punch to his abdomen, winding him.

Elias took advantage of that, striking him faster than he could blink with his foot across his face in a roundhouse kick. Steve's vision turned blurry and his ears started ringing. 

He tried to get up but the tri-blood put his foot on his chest, pinning him down. "Stay down."

Elias delivered a quick kick to his temple, knocking Steve unconscious before turning to his sister who was engaged in combat with Tony. His eyes caught sight of the shield lying next to him and grabbed it, locking eyes with Cassie before throwing it to her like a frisbee.

She caught it with ease and slammed it roughly in Tony's face with brute force, sending him to the ground with a huge clang, knocking him out. Cassie stared at the shield impressively before dropping it to the ground.

She glanced at Elias, only to find him getting shot by an electric blast as sparks of blue electricity sparked through his body. An arrow suddenly sailed in her direction and she caught it with ease, the arrowhead stopping inches from her chest.

Cassie snapped it in half before turning towards the archer who shot it, who stared back at her in shock. He quickly snapped out of his surprise and aimed another arrow at her in a threatening manner.

"Don't. Move," Clint warned.

Cassie simply smirked, like nothing was wrong, and Clint was almost tempted to shoot the tranquiliser arrow at her out of spite.

"Where are you keeping my brother?" Cassie asked him calmly, but he remained guarded, not replying.

"Alright, then, if that's how you wanna play." The tri-blood shrugged as she took a step forward towards him.

Clint aimed his shot quickly, and released the tension from the bow string, watching as the arrow descended with lethal accuracy. Cassie batted the arrow out of the air with a flick of her hand faster than lightning.

He tried to shoot another arrow but before he could even pull the string, she was in front of him in a blink of an eye, disarming the archer and grabbing him roughly by the collar before throwing him right into his redhead friend, knocking them both out.

"I had that," Elias grumbled as he got up.

"Sure you did." Cassie rolled her eyes. "Come on."

The two finally found where Percy was being held, knocking out the remaining agents that were guarding the cell before kicking the door roughly open, revealing Percy held in a glass cell with an eye-patched man.

Elias threw the dark-skinned man aside with ease, in no mood to be nice while Cassie went over to the monitors and typed in a few commands before the glass door hissed open.

Percy grinned sheepishly as he stared at the two. "Did I ever tell you two that you're my favourite?"

Both Elias and Cassie glared at him unimpressively, the latter slapping the back of his head.

"Ow, what was that for?!" Percy whined, massaging his head.

"For being a dumbass, you idiot," Cassie grumbled before pulling him for a quick hug. "But I'm glad you're okay."

"Uh, I may need some help walking," Percy informed the two, gesturing towards his injured leg.

Elias quickly came by his brother's side, sliding his arm across Percy's waist to support him as he threw an arm around his neck, walking out of the cell. Cassie caught sight of the eye-patched man slowly getting up.

Cassie made her way towards Fury, grabbing him roughly by the neck in a chokehold and yanking him up, her eyes glowing golden dangerously.

"Make any attempt to harm my family again, and you won't live to see another day," she warned threateningly before dropping him to the ground and knocking him out with a swift kick to his face.

Cassie walked back to her brothers, who watched the interaction quietly, smiling fondly at their sister's protectiveness as the three finally made their way out of the tower through the hordes of unconscious mortals on the floor and back home.

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