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Annabeth had left the house in the morning with Luke and Charlie. According to her, she would drop the kids off at school, get some work done, pick up the kids from school in the afternoon and then return.

Which then left Percy, Elias and Cassie at home together. And of course, Cassie couldn't possibly stay all day with the knuckleheads of her brothers, so she'd ventured out for a stroll in the morning.

But the older Hunter soon returned, realising that leaving them two together would be catastrophic. So when she'd returned home, she found her dear brothers in the kitchen as they tried to, and utterly failed to might she add, make a pizza.

Cassie stared at the two in mild amusement mixed with a done look. "I'm not even gonna ask."

Percy and Elias both grinned at her before Percy furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the mixing bowl, staring at a very goo-ey looking dough.

"Are you sure you read me the recipe right?"

Elias nodded. "Yeah, I said four cups of flour."

Percy's eyes shot wide. "You said four kilos of flour!"

Elias shrugged. "Oh, I meant four cups."

Cassie sighed, shaking her head. "Seriously, Elias?"

"Great!" Percy grumbled. "Now, will get off your butt, Elias, and help me make this stupid pizza?!"

The doorbell then rang, making Elias perk up. "Oh, I think that's for me."

Cassie raised her eyebrows at him. "Who's here?"

Elias opens the door to greet a pizza delivery teenager. "Hey, sir, that would be fifteen dollars, thanks."

"No problem, kid, keep the change," the younger Hunter told him with a smile before closing the door.

Cassie sighed, not even the least bit surprised by this while Percy, on the other hand, was fuming. "Why would you order a pizza when we're making pizza?!"

"Because I knew you'd fail, brother," Elias replied smoothly as he casually made his way over to the couch.

But Cassie swiftly grabbed the box from his hands. "You two better fix up this mess you've created before Annabeth gets home soon. You don't wanna feel her wrath, do you now?"

"Hey! It was Percy that was making it," Elias argued.

Percy glared at Elias. "Don't you throw me under the bus here! You were the one that convinced me to make it!"

"Yeah, well, I didn't mess it-"

"Boys," Cassie interjected between the two in a warning tone. "Now is not the time for your arguing. You're both cleaning this up, whether you like it or not."

Percy and Elias turned to their sister, who was staring back at the two, tempting them to argue against her. But the two instead let out a sigh of defeat, and reluctantly began to clean up the kitchen much to their dismay while she gave them a hand.

As Elias gathered all the excess flour, a mischievous glint entered his eyes as he turned to Cassie next to him. Before Cassie had the chance to realise what he was about to do, he blew a handful of flour in her face and looked far too happy about it.

Cassie's face contorted into shock, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before opening them again and glaring at Elias.

Percy walked past Elias, patting his back slightly with a grin on his face. "You're dead."

A dangerous smirk formed on Cassie's face, making Elias stop grinning immediately as his eyes widened. "Cassie, no. Come on, I'm sorry-"

Cassie only smirked in response, grabbing a handful of flour in her hands as she chased after Elias who sprinted away through the kitchen. He tried to escape for a solid five seconds before crashing right into Percy.

Cassie used this advantage to herself, a triumphant smirk on her face as the flour was now smeared all over Elias's hair and face who glared at her and tried to rub it off his face.

Percy and Cassie both shared a laugh, but the former immediately stopped when Elias slapped some in his face as well. So when Annabeth came home with the kids, she wasn't even the least bit surprised at what she saw.

There was flour smeared everywhere in the kitchen and on the siblings as well. At this point, there was just the mere disappointment in Annabeth's eyes and her internally scolding herself for leaving the three together again with no supervision.

Another hour passed, and the kitchen was soon finally back to its original state, thankfully. But Elias was sulking in the corner at the fact that the kids had stolen the pizza box while they were cleaning up, and had eaten it all, leaving nothing for him except the crumbs.

Annabeth soon walked in the living room with a fancy letter in her hand with Stark imprinted on the top right, gesturing it to the siblings with a look of confusion on her face.

"I found this in the letter box," the blonde told them before she began to open it as the three shared a look of confusion too.

"What does it say?" Elias asked as Annabeth began reading through it loudly.

"Dear Mr. Jackson and the Hunters, I would like to formally apologise from the behalf of us Avengers for seeing you as a threat, attacking you three and holding Mr. Jackson captive. We would like to make it up to you by inviting you to attend the annual Stark gala tomorrow night, in which Mrs. Jackson is also absolutely welcome to attend. Please accept our apologies, and we would love to see you there. Kind Regards, Tony Stark."

Percy scoffed. "He was definitely forced to write that."

"Yeah," Elias nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's go then," Annabeth suggested while the three siblings raised their eyebrows at the blonde.

"Come on, what if they're really trying to be sincere here?" Annabeth pointed out. "Maybe we can mend our rocky relationship. And ... we also get to attend a fancy mortal party."

"Are you sure you just don't wanna go for the last reason?" Percy asked, a slight teasing smirk on his face.

A faint crimson appeared on Annabeth's cheeks. "No ... of course not."

Cassie shrugged. "Alright, why not. What could go wrong?"

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