The Reunion - Pt. 2

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Marge glared at Ginny with such hate that Harry half expected her to combust. Ginny returned Marge's hateful stare with equal force. Harry's eyes flicked nervously between his wife and aunt. He felt a small hand shake his arm and glanced down at his eldest son. 

"Daddy? I'm hungry, when's the food coming?" James asked. 

"Typical, another rude and arrogant Potter." Marge scoffed. 

This time, Harry's head whipped up and his eyes narrowed at the woman he despised. 

"Look, you can say whatever you want about me, I don't care anymore, but I will not allow you or anyone else disrespect my wife and children." Harry glared at Marge. "If you don't want to sit with us, go and find another seat. Dudley asked me to be here, he chose where we sit, it's not my problem if you don't like it!" 

Marge looked like she'd been slapped around the face. Ginny snorted a laugh beside him and smirked at Marge. Jason and Melody looked incredibly awkward, but Harry could see the couple fighting back a smile. It became incredibly clear to Harry in that moment that Marge had flaunted her way through life and not a single person had stood up to her. Until today. 

"I have never been so insulted in my life." Marge scoffed, placing a plump hand on her chest. 

"Well maybe it's about time you were. You're nothing more than a bully and Harry is not going to be your target anymore." Ginny said firmly. 

With that, Marge rose from her seat and stomped off across the hall. Harry suddenly realised that while he'd been putting Marge in her place, Dudley and his wife had entered the room and were now sitting at the head of the table. Thankfully, the reception seemed to have continued as normal and no one had realised the commotion happening at table three. 


Shortly after, the food was served and Harry continued to catch up with Jason and Melody. He'd been nervous when they started telling Ginny stories of their time at school together, but he soon realised that Jason and Melody were two of the select few who had liked Harry during their school days. Ginny listened to their stories intently. Harry then realised that it was the first time Ginny had heard about his time at school before Hogwarts. 

"He was always so quiet, always kept to himself." Jason commented. 

"But he was always so polite and kind to everyone he came into contact with." Melody added. 

Harry tried desperately not to blush. Ginny reached across and gripped his hand. 

"He's still like that, just not so shy anymore." Ginny smiled. 

"I'm pleased you've finally come out of your shell. We never did see much of you outside of school. Dudley always said it was because you didn't want to join in with any of us so we just kind of stopped inviting you." Melody said sadly. 

"Well, that's not entirely true." Ginny scoffed, a sour look twisting her face. 

"What do you mean?" Jason asked. 

"Ginny." Harry said firmly. She looked up at him and he shook his head. 

"Well I'm sorry but I don't see why you're protecting them." Ginny hissed. 

"I'm not, but this is Dudley's wedding." Harry said quietly. "Now's not the time." 

Melody and Jason glanced at each other. 

"If this is about the way the Dursely's used to treat you, we all kind of figured they weren't the nicest people to you." Melody muttered. 

Harry sighed heavily. "No, they weren't. But I don't want to talk about that, not with my children here." 

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