Chapter Three

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Fiona's royal chambers:
The day of the gala had come, and Fiona was prepping her makeup. Her dresser had recommended a few different looks, and Fiona had chosen the one with striking eyes and pink-toned cheeks. She had also planned on some subtle red lipstick, but she wasn't going to put it on any earlier than she had to.

After cleaning off her face, Fiona called for some lunch in her room. The sauced chips were a bit of a mess, yet amounted to nothing compared to the stuffed corn roll. Storing away the leftovers in her mini-fridge by her bed, Fiona swiped her mouth on the sleeve of her long-sleeved forest green button-up.

Jogging out towards the assembly hall for her next meeting, Fiona was stopped by a servant multiple times and asked if she wanted something to drink, something to eat, a warm towel, and a transport bike. She refused all of these suggestions politely, knowing that her schedule would be over-crammed today so she was trying to get some exercise done.

She paused at the assembly hall entrance to compose herself, then entered as all the chairmen and court advisors rose. After she sat on her throne, the rest of the court settled themselves and the meeting began.

"Royal High Chairman Jordano Huy presiding under Queen Fiona Crimson Regium, ruler of the Ametrine Dynasty," said an officiant seated to Fiona's right.

They were constantly swapping around who the grand officiant was, or if they even would be the one to announce at the meetings, so ever since the second month of Fiona's reign, she had stopped trying to remember and get to know the officiants.

"You all have been called here today to discuss the latest updates in security within the Royal Estates," informed the officiator. "This meeting will be recorded for private files and the kingdom archives, but none of this meeting's proceedings will be made public. You may commence."

With that, there was a small shuffle of notes and a tap of a pen against paper as the recorder prepared to write.

"Simply put, with the recent developments of the rebel uprising, we have begun mandatory identity checks and ownership forms in the sectors, but not in the Royal Colonies," began Chairman Huy in a regal tone. "We have also neglected requiring them here in the Royal Estates."

Huy paused for an anonymous cough. "However," he continued, "we are led to believe that the rebels do have some minor support here in the estates, this being a concern for the security of the Queen," he glanced at Fiona, "And the rest of our court and citizens.

"And although we are stocked full of weaponry and supplies for our military, the majority of it stays in storehouses due to the lack of security personnel."

"If you will allow me to intervene, Chairman Huy, I have a proposition to make," interrupted Chairman Darnel. His glasses were slipping off of his slim nose again, and his voice was shaky as usual.

"According to the colonial representatives, there has been an increased amount of riots due to unnecessarily large amounts of security personnel. Within the sectors, that is," he explained.

Everyone nodded, this they had heard before.
"So why don't we just ship some of the unused officers over from the sectors to here in the Estates where they would be of better use?"
Everyone paused for a moment, considering it while they waited for their queen's input.

"Well, I think the idea has potential considering that it helps keep everyone safe while making all of our guards in use," Fiona paused. "But, the majority of the guards conscripted are there to get paid while still being near their families. Moving them here wouldn't exactly please them." Several nods of consent rippled around the room.

Chairman Darnel scratched his neck, making a wheezing noise, "If it's in the best interest of the people, I say we go forward with it." He nodded to conclude.

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