Chapter 15

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Third person's POV

'This... this person is so confusing! She is so... so unpredictable. What's on her mind? Does she really hate me? Or does she...? I don't know anymore, she is making me more and more curious by the day. Why does she have to be so fascinatingly unpredictable?' Mina is thinking to herself.

Meanwhile, in the Queen's office, the two maids and the head of washing quarter are now kneeling with their heads bow deep to the ground, begging the Queen for their lives,

'Do you really think that I believed the one sided story that you two made up? How dare you have this kind of bullying behaviour right inside my palace?' The Queen angrily shouts,

'Your Majesty, please spare our lives!' The two maids are begging while crying nonstop.

'And you, how ignorant are you to let those behaviours continue on? I'm sure this is not the first time, have you been letting them harassed that slave without interfering?' Chaeyoung is now yelling at the head of washing quarter,

'Please forgive me, Your Majesty! It won't ever happen again.' She begs,

'There won't be a next time.' The Queen sternly tells her. She then turns to Nayeon, 'Head Court Lady, demote her to a maid, move her to a different quarter, and find someone else to be the new head of washing quarter.'

'Yes, Your Majesty!' Nayeon replies,

Chaeyoung then looks at the two maids, 'You two can continue to work at the washing quarter, but your job will be a little different. From now on, you two have to take care of Mina, if even one hair is missing on that slave's head, I will punish you two before anyone else.'

'Yes, Your Majesty!' The two shakily obey,

But the Queen didn't stop there, 'Right now, all three of you will have to pay for what you did today. Guards, take them outside and flog them with the big stick 20 strokes each.' She commands,

'Your Majesty, please spare our lives! Your Majesty!' All three beg while being dragged outside by the guards to face the severe punishment.

Next day, Mina goes to work as usual, but as soon as she steps inside the washing quarter, she can hear people are gossiping about what happened to the two maids and also the head of washing quarter. They stop talking when they saw Mina approaching, but Mina has already heard bit by bit from around the place. So apparently, the two maids who fought with her yesterday and the head of washing quarter who ignored everything when the others harassed her, now have only half of their lives left after the severe flogging by the Queen's order,

'Is it a coincidence or...?' Mina is wondering, what are the chances that the very three people who did wrong things to her, got punished by the Queen. But then she shakes her head repeatedly to get rid of that thought, 'No Mina, she isn't on your side. She wasn't on your side yesterday when she punished you, remember?' She reminds herself.

Since then, no one dares to bother Mina. Mina is basically an untouchable slave, who is nicknamed "The Queen's special slave" by almost all the maids and other slaves around the palace. Mina herself does notice that she doesn't get harassed or bullied anymore, she wonders why from time to time, but doesn't really have time to investigate. She also heard about the nickname, but doesn't really think much of it, because she herself knows that she is a special slave, not in a good way though, unlike the other slaves, she is a slave for the Queen's vengeance.

A few weeks after that, it is now exactly one year since the day that Chaeyoung's inner peace was destroyed right after she saw the two white jars containing her King and Queen parents's ashes. She takes this day as their death anniversary because she doesn't know exactly when were the moment her parents took their last breaths,

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