Naruto quickly burst through the roof of the royal palace when it became obvious that he had to face the beams head on. He had to risk it. Naturally, nothing could kill him, but the three attacks bothered him.

His enemies had prepared for war while he took comfort in his immortality. Perhaps knowing that he couldn't die made him careless and ignorant of other things. What did he have to worry about when he knew no one in this world could kill him?

Naruto stared at the hundreds of beams rushing over to the city in blinding speeds.

His Rinnegan perceived the danger that he faced. From afar, the attack didn't look this menacing. There were hundreds of dangerous beams and he knew they could pierce through his body. These fancy weapons had this ability.

For the first time in many years Naruto felt threatened. The feeling was good to his battle loving person, but it was downright devastating to the father in him. The damn things could turn the city into a cloud of smoke, and with his loved people in it.

They could be destroyed in the process.

He couldn't allow for the beams to touch the city. The results would be catastrophic if he allowed something of that nature to occur. He would destroy this whole world if his city was destroyed because mere humans could stand to live with him, despite doing nothing to threaten their existence. They were willing to go this far.

This kind of position made him recall once more again the kind of position Minato was put when Obito chose to release the Kyuubi to attack Konoha. He had to protect his village, and in turn, he sacrificed himself for the safety of his village. Here he was, he who hated making sacrificed.

it wasn't the city that he wanted to protect wholeheartedly, it was his family. Someone had threatened their security, and that made him angry.

Naruto held out his right hand, he wanted to send the beams away to another dimension, but there were too many of them. He wouldn't be able to send them away in time.

He had been to arrogant to think that no one would attack him like this. He had ignored everything thinking no one could create a weapon that would threaten his families existence.

He couldn't watch the city be destroyed either. His family may come above, but at this moment, he realized that he did care for this city he has built. It was his home, they were his people, people who depended on his power for protection, people who left other homes to live here in the city of Rice. At that moment, the Emperor was to acknowledge that it meant something to him. Even if it was a small feeling, it was something nevertheless.

He had to protect his family and the city, by taking the hit himself.

''That blasted Raikage,'' Naruto growled, clasping his hands.

The Perfect Susano'o came to life, causing the city to come to a stand still as the giant hovered above the royal palace. Shinobi were already alerted of the looming danger, so they were busy moving about the streets, trying to gain order and control things as they could.

A Perfect Susano'o wouldn't be enough to shield himself from power that could destroy this whole city. Naruto armoured himself further by making four of his Truth-seeking balls form the shape of a round ball around himself to protect himself. The remaining balls, attached themselves around the Susano'o, blackening it. Further more, inside his black cocoon, Naruto held out both his hands, Shinra Tensei ready to be activated.

In not more then three seconds later, the Susano'o moved towards the beams, and the two forces collided.


The city trembled slightly as a window shattering shockwave tore through the beautiful city. Panic rose as windows shattered around, people screaming, trying to take cover over something that didn't have anything made of glass.

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