" Copy that! " Shen Yuan said as she hastily went out of the van, followed by the others. " Somebody call the ambulance asap. Others help me find them. "

Wen Ning volunteered to be the one to call the ambulance. Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng went running towards where Wei Ying and his friends are.


" I don't think I can make it without her Qing Jie. She was all I have. She was the only one *sobs* who loved me as I am. She was..she was... why, why does it have to be like this?*sobs* Qing Jie I don't think I can make it. I don't think I can make it now that she's gone. "

" No Wei Wuxian. You can make it. You're strong. You have been ever since the day I met you. You are the strongest person I've known in my years of existence. And you're not alone. We're here with you. We can help you get through this..."

" *sobs* Lan Zhan..Lan Zhaann.. "

A few moments have passed before Wei Ying have calmed down. His friends remained by his side al through it. Feeling like all his strength was lost, he decided to lean on Wen Qing for support.

Later, he would sit back down again and looks at the still burning house as if Lan Zhan would come running any time now and call out his name. As if Lan Zhan didn't actually died in the bombing but has successfully survived.

Any scenes came floating in Wei Ying's mind about Lan Zhan actually surviving the tragedy. It just hurt so badly and right now, he still isn't ready to accept the fact that his wife is actually....already.....long gone.

His fist clenched at his sides just thinking about it.

" I didn't even .." he started as his friends look at him from the sides. Right now, they separated from the hug but they're still close enough. Luo Qing Yang on his right, Nie Huaisang on his left and Wen Qing behind him.

" I haven't even get to kiss her one last time. "

A hand on his shoulder squeezing it.

" Tell her I love her again and again whether I feel like saying it or not. " he says, his voice cracking a bit.

" Wei Ying .."

Chuckling sadly, he continued. " I feel so stupid. Cause did you know what I told her before we got separated? It was only ' See you my Lan Zhan! Be safe please! God bless you! ' and then I walked out immediately even though all I wanted was to kiss her until she's breathless. Haha "

Wei Ying heard something like choking from one of them but he ignored it.

" I guess now I learned that I shouldn't waste every single moment. Qing Jie, " he said not turning to look at her as Wen Qing looked at him from behind. " I hope that when we get back to Gusu, you'll tell Jiang Cheng every single day how much you love him and show him in any way. Not just in kissing or in bed but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Try to do something cheesy once in a while like writing him a love letter or something. It's not like love letters are limited only during courting! Right? "

If this was a normal day, Wen Qing would have slapped Wei Wuxian's head again and tell him off. But now, she simply replied " No need to tell me. I will do just that. " As she felt her eyes water once more.

" Same with you two! " he said as he turned to Huaisang, then at Qingyang. " You should treasure someone you love when you finally find them. Don't be like me. Don't just keep teasing them. You have to show them that you're serious with them and that you don't take them lightly..* sniffs* "

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