Chapter 13

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" A-ning! " Wen Qing exclaimed with teary eyes. She then run towards him and hugged him. Having seen her younger brother once more after so many years, she can't help but tighten her hold on him. Wen Ning with tears in his eyes, reciprocated the hug as well. 

The others decided to leave them be and give them privacy for their reunion. They walk a bit far from the siblings and started to have a conversation of their own. 

" Who would've thought that Qingjie would meet with her brother here! What a great coincidence " Nie Huaisang said delighted. 

" I don't think it's a coincidence though. I think it's just the appointed time to meet each other. " Said Luo Qingyang with contemplation. 

" Well, that sounds good too. There's a time for everything after all. A time to separate and a time to reunite! "

" Yup! "

Shen Yuan though on the other hand didn't think it was so and so she looked at the siblings frowning. Xie Lian saw her reaction and decided to ask her what's wrong. 

" That Wen Ning... I'm sorry to burst your bubble but he still seems suspicious to me. " she replied to Xie Lian as well as to Wen Qing's friends. 

" Why is that? " Nie Huaisang asked.

" Was able to locate fast. " It was Lan Zhan who answered this time. 

" Yeah exactly. England is too vast but why is he able to locate her sisters location at a short amount of time? "

" Well, now that you pointed it out, he does seem suspicious. "

" Lets go and protect Qingjie! " Qingyang said and was going to go to Wen Qing immediately when Shen Yuan stopped her. 

" Please leave it to us. We don't want him getting alarmed just yet. "

" Alright. "

With that, Shen Yuan, Xie Lian and Lan Zhan went towards the siblings. Wen Ning noticed them coming towards them and started to pull away from his sister. His sister frowned and started to look at where he was looking. 

" What is it? " Wen Qing said as she saw the three of them coming. 

" Ms. Wen, apologies in advance but your brother still seems suspicious to us. We feel that he might be working with our enemy and I'm afraid that he was using you to lead us all to a trap. "

" Why do you think that? I know A-ning. He may be living with my bastard of an uncle but he'll never do something as endanger anyones life. He'll never do something as what you accused him of right now. " As she said this, Wen Ning at her back bowed his head slightly as if he was ashamed. 

" Ms. Wen, I know that he's your brother. But from what I know, its been years since you've last seen each other. And a lot has changed. "

" So what if something has changed? Does it have to be something like A-ning becoming a murderer like my uncle?! Lan Zhan! Do you think that too? "

Being called so suddenly, Lan Zhan only looked not uttering anything. 

" A-Jie.. "

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