''They are nuisances, are you sure you want to deal with them?'' Zetsu asked knowing that Naruto would not like having to handle the nuisance who can't push him. The shinobi's in Oto who swore revenge were weak and just bugs to Naruto.

''Deal with it, if you can,'' Naruto said walking away. ''Make sure Guren understands that I don't want anything halting anything once the rebuilding begins,'' he paused for a moment. ''I will watch what you have recorded in Uzu in a few days.''

''What will you be busy with in the next few days?''

''I have to deal with the council and whatever that Danzou has planned up for me. I also hear that Mei will be at Konoha to hold talks about an alliance,'' he paused for a moment. ''Keep me updated of the workings in Oto,'' having said that, his figure completely disappeared from Zetsu's view.

Konoha, Uchiha compound

Naruto hanged his gunbai on the wall again and walked towards his bed. He sat down and looked at his nightstand. His forehead protector was laying there; he had placed it there before sleeping.

Sighing, he got up, went to the bathroom and took a long cold shower. His hair was long so it took some time to dry it. Oddly enough, he did not mind doing it though. He did so without hurry.


Sasuke was already up; he was at the kitchen sipping tea with his book in hand. He was another Kakashi. At least he was not reading anything like what Kakashi read. But he too like his sensei was becoming obsessed with reading his book.

Sasuke looked at Naruto. He was wearing a long sleeved black shirt and black pants. At the back of his shirt there both Uchiha and Uzumaki symbols, not that Sasuke could see them. He also wore his gloves. The shirt was shaping his upper body, a testimony to his slightly masculine body.

''You are up late,'' Sasuke said his eyes going back to his book.

Naruto did not comment. Sasuke did not need to know that he had been up for some time. He had set up privacy seals in his room so Sasuke could not hear anything coming from it. He sat down and a thought came to him.

He had already collected the Shinigami mask and should fulfill his promise to the Kyuubi. But first, he had to deal with the council then he would meet with the Kyuubi.

With the new changes, things had to move up fast. But he would not hurry to do things not prepared. He just had to do things at a fast schedule. By the end of the day, he should have dealt with the council. With the council dealt with, he could move freely to do what was next without the foolish elders near him to question his actions.

''Where are you planning to base the Military Police Force?'' Naruto asked speaking for the first time since entering the kitchen.

Sasuke never took his eyes off his book. He had not thought of where he would base the Police Force. In the end, he just shrugged.

''You cannot head a force like The Police Force without proper headquarters. Where will you keep mission files, Military files, where will you make your meetings? Every military organization has its own headquarters.''

''Where did the old Police Force operate?''

''At the compound. They used the Naka shrine as their secret meeting place. Since the clan ran everything, they did not need to build headquarters. That's not to say that you won't run everything. But creating your own quarters will keep things organized and make the Police Force run effectively,'' he paused for a moment, ''It will also help you separate Military work with clan matters,'' Naruto explained everything to Sasuke.

Uchiha Naruto: The SageHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin