Chapter 12: Missing Nin Attack!

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As the group walked along the path, they crossed a small river using a small bridge across it. Naruto looked around curiously, Sharingan active. He had his Sharingan active for the entire time, to the point that even Kakashi was a bit curious as to why he had it active. "There's no reason to be blindsided on such a simple mission, and I refuse to return in failure. I won't do any of those worthless D-Ranks ever again." With that answer, no one had ever bothered him about it again.

As they walked Naruto noticed a surprisingly large amount of chakra inside a few nearby puddles. He looked over to Kakashi, glancing between him and the puddles. Kakashi seemed to understand, nodding a bit before turning forward. Once they were more than a few feet away from the puddles, very quiet splashes erupted from two of the puddles. As soon as he heard them, Naruto turned around. As soon as he turned he saw the two nin, clad in strange metallic gauntlets on one hand with a chain connecting them as well as horned headbands with Kiri symbols. The two also had similar face masks and clothing. Naruto shot forward, channeling the Kyuubi's chakra a bit to enhance his strength, shattering the connecting chain before throwing his arm forward with his hand out, slamming into one's throat and gripping his throat tightly. Naruto continued his movement forward until he'd slammed the strange shinobi into a tree, still holding him by the throat. He pushed more of the Kyuubi's chakra into his hand, burning the shinobi's neck and throat. The man hissed and writhed in agony, coughing up blood. "Gozu!" shouted the other. Kakashi quickly moved in front of him, stopping him from reaching his friend.

"Sakura, Sasuke, Tazuna...if you aren't ready to see a man die, then look away now." Sakura began to step away slowly, terrified of what Naruto might do. "No! I can't be like this! I have to be brave, even if it's death!" thought Sakura before stopping her movements and standing her ground. Kakashi kicked his opponent against a tree, before shouting to Naruto to stop. Sasuke watched as Naruto ruthlessly closed his grip on "Gozu's" throat and crushed it, eliciting a strangled cry. The man coughed blood into the mask and it dripped out from his mask and onto Naruto's face. Ignoring the warm blood dripping on his face and arm, he pulled a kunai from his belt and plunged it into the man's abdomen, splattering blood on his clothes. The man released another strangled scream of pain and more blood dripped from his mask. By this point, Kakashi had already beaten and tied up his partner, watching Naruto's savage execution. Naruto shoved the kunai deeper before completely crushing the man's throat. The man grabbed at his neck before succumbing to both the pain and his injuries, dying as Naruto released his grip, watching his now lifeless corpse slide down the tree. Each member of Team 7 carried a separate reaction to Naruto's actions. Kakashi widened his eye in both surprise and some degree of disgust, Sasuke widened his eyes in horror of his friend's ruthless killing, and Sakura outright threw up in disgust. Tazuna was simply cowering away from the sight and almost threw up despite only hearing the agonizing death of the Kiri nin.

"Naruto! You know you shouldn't have done that!" "Kakashi, we all need to have our first kills at some point, I've only made things easier for the other two" replied Naruto bluntly. Kakashi opened his mouth to reply in anger, before he stopped himself and decided on a different course of action. "Naruto, there's no reason for that level of...brutality." Naruto didn't respond, he simply wiped the blood from his face and arm before turning to the other nin. He walked slowly towards the man, making an attempt to seem more intimidating to the tied up man. He knelt down before him and spoke "talk, now, or I'll kill you too." The other nin was too in shock to immediately respond. Naruto didn't approve of the delay and punched the man in the gut. "I said, talk." The man coughed a bit of blood before beginning to speak. "We...I'm...a missing-nin from Kiri...Gozu was too...We were the "Demon Brother's"..." "Is that all? Give me a reason not to kill you too and take your head for what I assume would be a decent bounty" growled Naruto. The man gulped and quivered in terror of the boy "I-I'm worth the same amount, don't kill me...". "Naruto, let him live...there's no reason to kill him. He's an unarmed, defenseless man." "I don't see any reason to jeopardize this mission whatsoever, sensei." "Naruto. Let. Him. Live." Naruto glared back at Kakashi, before sighing and standing up. "Fine, I'm still going to take the other one's body though. I don't see any reason not to cash them in. I'll take responsibility for both." Naruto walked to Gozu's body and pulled out a small scroll, making the corpse disappear. "There, body is disposed of, for now." He created a Kage Bunshin and had it carry the other Demon Brother. Before long, after Sakura had finished vomiting and Sasuke had overcome his shock, the five of them were on their way again to Nami no Kuni.

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