Chapter 5: Namikaze Estate

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Hiruzen had never felt so ashamed in his entire life. The "God of Shinobi", felt ashamed for his actions. He'd hidden truth upon truth from him, only to have it come back and haunt him ten-fold. He'd lied to a curious child, a desperate child, a lonely child, for the boy's safety, only to find out he'd known for some time. The cool, casual way Naruto spoke it indicated that he'd known for some time. He had no idea when Naruto had learned of this, but he knew he was called out on it easily. All he could do now was repay the boy in the ways that Naruto had requested. The Sandaime still had a feeling of relief that Naruto finally knew, that he knew that Minato was his father. The Hokage couldn't be sure if Naruto knew about Kushina, but figured he would find out soon enough. With that thought, he gathered the remaining papers necessary and headed back out to find Naruto.

Naruto walked out of the hospital and walked straight up the tree nearby. Sasuke stared in disbelief as he did so, while Naruto simply leaned against the trunk. Naruto glanced down and smirked a little "Coming up or not?". Sasuke shook his head and started to walk "I'm going home, there are a few things I have to...think about." Naruto nodded and closed his eyes.

"Hey...Kyuubi..." "What do you want now?" "Where were we before, and how do I get back there?" "Your mind, just think about it, you'll come back." Naruto nodded and concentrated on that idea and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in his mindscape.

"So that's how it works..." wondered Naruto aloud. The Kyuubi snorted in response while Naruto looked around. He soon became familiar with his surroundings before the Kyuubi cracked open its left eye, head still resting on its massive paws. "You have a visitor, leave me."

Naruto's eyes snapped open as the Sandaime landed in front of the hospital. Naruto slipped out of the tree, landing softly behind him. "Ah, Naruto, I have everything right here." The Sandaime held out his hands, filled with papers. "What do I need to do?" "Just sign here, here, and here." he said, handing him a few papers and a pen. Naruto thoughtlessly signed accordingly and was handed another stack of papers. "These are for you. All of the information on the house and funds are in there, along with the address. You're free to move out whenever you see fit." The Sandaime explained before leaping onto the hospital and heading off back to his office. Naruto quickly summoned a dozen Kage Bunshin to move his few belongings to the house, while Naruto himself headed off to it.

Naruto found a small house, away from the rest of the village. It seemed almost untouched entirely, never entered since that fateful day. He carefully walked to the front door, and opened it carefully. "Knowing his Hiraishin, he probably had a few more seals in the house." he thought before he looked around. A seal slowly receded from the floor, before Naruto had even really seen it. Naruto, realizing the house might then be filled with seals, activated his Sharingan. He looked at the chakra covering sections of wall, floor, and ceiling. He memorized the chakra's position before he shut his Sharingan off and walked into the kitchen. He ran his hand over the untouched counter, careful to take in the rooms. He moved into the family room, where a picture of his parents sat, almost staring back at him. Their wide smiles made him take a double take. He shook his head, disgusted that he'd been so deeply moved by a mere picture. "I'm supposed to have changed" he thought, anger bubbling at the surface before he calmed himself. Naruto shoved those thoughts aside and went upstairs, looking around at the beds and the crib meant for him. He sighed and headed back downstairs and felt a clone dispel itself, leaving a handful of Instant-Ramen at the doorstep.

Naruto simply sighed at his clone's antics before he summoned a dozen more to actually put his stuff where he'd wanted it to go. The previous clones arrived and the new clones took everything and set the house back up for their creator. As the clones finished, Naruto looked around and nodded in approval before he headed back out of the house, the seal on the floor spreading out once again.

Naruto walked outside behind the house, sizing up the training ground. "I knew he'd trained quite a bit, but I didn't expect an entire training ground like the one Sasuke and I use." Naruto sat down in the center of the training ground and began to think the day's events over. "I still don't know who attacked me...and I still need to read those notes on his jutsu." he thought. Naruto summoned a hundred Kage Bunshin quickly and separated them into four groups. "I want one group to work on chakra control, one group to work on ninjutsu, one group to read notes on the Hiraishin, and I want the last group to read the notes on the Rasengan. Make sure to dispel yourself if you make a significant breakthrough too." The clones quickly set out to complete their respective tasks while Naruto headed off to buy some legitamate food for himself with the new money.

Naruto stood and summoned five Kage Bunshin and sent them off to buy food under different henges. He simply walked around while he waited for his clones to buy the food he wanted, careful to ignore anyone who glared at him. Soon, his clones had bought the necessary food and headed back to his new home, while Naruto made his way to his old apartment. "Can't hurt to see what I'm leaving behind" he thought.

Naruto Uchiha: the Last Sage of the Six Paths by JH17जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें