Chapter 4: New Beginnings

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His entire body groaned against every movement. Naruto fought it down and sat up, still trying to force his eyes to adjust the the new-found light. He scanned around the room, searching for the strange Anbu. He saw no sign of the Anbu and relaxed, taking in his surroundings. "A lot of white...the hospital?" he thought. He looked to the door and watched Hiruzen Sarutobi, Sandaime Hokage step in. "Hello, Naruto." "Hokage-sama, I was attacked by-" "An unknown Anbu? Yes, I've heard. Your friend Sasuke brought the two of you in." Naruto nodded. "Who is he?" he asked. "Do I tell him the truth?" pondered the elderly Hokage, "I suppose I should, to keep him away from Danzo." "Naruto, he is a part of an old Anbu Corps, that I had seemingly failed to disband after the Third Shinobi World War." "Failed?" "Yes, apparently Danzo, a council member and old friend of mine had simply hidden it away. I will be sure to punish Danzo for sending one of his men to attack you." "He intended to make me his weapon, doesn't he?" inquired Naruto. Hiruzen stood shocked, Naruto had discovered Danzo's motives so quickly for being so young. "Yes Naruto, I believe that is the case. I'm sorry this happened."

Naruto stopped himself from responding too quickly, careful to judge the old man's expressions. "Do I tell him that I know the truth? That I know he lied to me? It would give me freedom to do as I wish, I could even convince him to teach me a few jutsu and chakra control exercises. Maybe a taijutsu stance too...yes, I'll tell him." Naruto looked him straight in the eye "I'll have to get used to it, after all I'm sure this'll happen even more often when people learn who my father is." Hiruzen's eyes widened and his jaw dropped a bit. "Wh-what? Naruto, I..." Naruto raised a hand "I don't want to hear it. I want some...compensation, for the lies." Hiruzen quickly nodded "Anything Naruto."

"Boy, you'd better ask to train in my chakra. I will not tolerate a container who cannot even wield my chakra properly" a voice boomed in his head. Naruto nodded and decided it was certainly a good idea. "I wish to freely train in the Kyuubi's chakra, along with a training ground to use. I want my father's notes on the Hirashin and the Rasengan. Lastly, I want my father's estate and funds." The Sandaime hesitated for a moment, before slowly nodding. "Of course Naruto, let me get the papers. Stay here." Naruto simply relaxed and smirked as the man walked out. He sighed and thought about how powerful he would become. With the Kyuubi's chakra, his father's jutsu and money, he would be immensely powerful. Along with the Sharingan, of course. He realized he should probably ask Sasuke about the eyes, to see what he could learn from the Uchiha. "All of that can wait...I need to prepare for all my training. I really don't want to attract attention in the academy either, perhaps I'll do my best to stay at the bottom. Then, no one will ever bother me and my strength can be used to surprise enemies...and I hate to admit it, but I feel bad for this. I'm manipulating the person I used to see as a grandfather. Well, I suppose he did lie to me after all...especially when I had pretty much begged him to tell me..."

Sasuke walked in to the hospital, keen on discovering the truth. While he wasn't so much angry at his friend, he was rather...frustrated. He was frustrated that Naruto also had the Sharingan, clearly for some time, but never told him. He wanted to know the truth. He wanted to know how his friend had it, when he got it, where, and why. He quickly asked for his room number, before receiving an equally quick, yet distasteful response ending with "Uchiha-sama". He internally groaned hearing it since he knew that he was no longer the last Uchiha it seemed. Sasuke walked quickly to Naruto's room, and passed a hurrying Sandaime on the way, who bumped into him with a quick "sorry". Sasuke shrugged it off and entered the white room.

"Figured you'd come, sooner or later" said Naruto, "Mind shutting the door?" Sasuke nodded quickly and shut it. "How long?" "How long what?" "How long have you had those eyes?" "Since the...incident" Naruto spat. "You never did tell me exactly what happened to you." "It's a sensitive topic." "Tell me." "If I told you I'd have to kill you." "What?" Sasuke snorted in amusement before seeing Naruto's look "You're serious..."

"You can't tell anyone, Sasuke, especially not anyone in our class." "I promise, I won't tell anyone." "Very well..." Naruto sighed "You remember the Kyuubi from class, right?" "Yeah, what about it? It's dead." "Not really." "What?" Sasuke's eyes widened. "You see...the Kyuubi is pure chakra, so it really can't die. It has to be sealed." "So the Yondaime...he sealed into someone?" "Exactly, and do you know who was chosen? The one whose birthday is on that very day."

Sasuke's mouth opened and closed, struggling to form coherent words. "Y-you don't mean..." he stuttered. "Yes, Sasuke, I have the Kyuubi sealed inside me." "So that's why all the adults hate him..." "So then...what's that got to do with the massacre?" "The villagers attack me every so often, and one such attack happened to be at the same time. I was chased towards you, when I arrived and saw the bodies..." Naruto winced at the memory. "The villagers figured I'd done it, since I'd gotten there earlier than them. I figured the only person who...didn't hate me was dead too, and I lost it when they attacked. The Kyuubi's chakra flooded my body, and with the chakra came the rage and hatred. So I...killed them...all of them..." Naruto looked away "Then I saw Itachi...we locked eyes and he..." Naruto trailed off.

"Used that on you, right?" Sasuke guessed. Naruto nodded absently and replied, hollowly: "I've never been the same since then... and those...visions...still haunt me..."

Naruto Uchiha: the Last Sage of the Six Paths by JH17Where stories live. Discover now