Chapter 2: Past and Present

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Naruto looked over the entrance of the Academy. The building looked huge, especially since it was in front of the Hokage Mountain. The giant sign with the kanji for "Fire" was proudly displayed above the entrance. "Another day of torment I suppose" he muttered under his breath. It had been roughly two years since he'd entered the Academy and he still hated it. He thought of how much he had changed since he'd entered this dreadful place. He finally got rid of that blue and orange jumpsuit, favoring a hooded, black cloak eerily similar to the Yondaime Hokage's. Along with that he wore black shinobi sandals, black Anbu pants, and a dark red shirt under his cloak. He smirked thinking about how he had changed in terms of skill as well. With his Sharingan, he copied dozens of useful jutsu, most notably the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu). With it, he discovered he could amp up his training tenfold with its ability to return memories to the user. He had managed to successfully learn nearly every technique he'd seen. The Sharingan was certainly useful for training.

Besides that, he had matured immensely. He almost laughed thinking about his formerly naive self. Also, soon after the "incident" the Hokage deemed his Sharingan an S-Rank secret. Only he or the Hokage could speak of it, and he had to have whomever he told swear not to tell anyone. So far, he hadn't told anyone just yet. Naruto briefly thought of telling Sasuke, weighing the pros and cons. He and Sasuke had something of an understanding between them, having both been there that night seeing the massacres. They'd even started to train a bit together, usually after school once or twice a week. They both seemed to understand each other's pain, Naruto more so than Sasuke.

He shook his head, pushing these thoughts out of his mind and entering the Academy. He knew that he was late, but he didn't really care for it. He figured since it was the first time this week, Iruka wouldn't mind as much. Naruto made his way to the classroom and Shunshin-ed next to his seat up in the back, sitting down quietly next to Sasuke. He glanced over at Naruto, nodding slightly to him as a silent greeting. It seemed Sasuke had even begun to swallow his pride and understand that Naruto was very likely superior to him in skill. Naruto returned the nod and turned back to Iruka.

"AHEM" coughed Iruka loudly, before narrowing his eyes at Naruto. "Little late, aren't you, Naruto?" The entire class turned and looked at Naruto, surprise spreading through the class. Naruto simply shrugged and leaned back in his seat casually. Sakura glared at him "Baka! Stop trying to be cool like Sasuke-kun!". Naruto scoffed at her "Sure, I'm not trying to sneak into class or anything. I'm just desperately trying to be like your 'Sasuke-kun'." he said sarcastically. She glared at him further as he met her gaze passively until she gave up the staring contest and looked back to the front. Iruka sighed at the exchange before returning to the lesson. "I know Hokage-sama asked me to keep an eye on him but...even I can't figure out what he's thinking or doing. Seems some part of his old self is still intact. He's still so unpredictable..." he thought. Naruto decided to catch up on some sleep to get out of the lesson.

Naruto snapped his eyes open. He felt water soaking everything below his knees. He looked around cautiously before he realized something: "I'm in my mindscape...". He looked down the dark corridor in front of him, pipes dripping above him. Channeling and releasing chakra around his body, he kept the water from dropping onto him. He stepped up onto the water before he started wandering through the corridor. He finally reached something of a cage and his eyes swirled into this three tomoe Sharingan. "Thats..."

A deep, roaring laughter echoed through the mindscape. Two red, slitted eyes slowly opened and a massive fox came out from the shadows. Nine tails were waving behind it wildly. " jailor finally comes to see me? I'm flattered..."

Naruto gulped. The greatest of the nine Bijuu, the Kyuubi, stared back at him amused. "Kyuubi, so that's where that chakra came from..." It nodded back at Naruto, before laughing. "Even with those eyes, you're afraid. You're not as pure-blooded as I'd thought." Kyuubi said. "Wh-what do you mean?" Naruto asked, slightly more afraid. It laughed its deep laugh once again, genuinely amused by its container "Seems I continue to misjudge you, Uchiha Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto's eyes widened immensely "N-Namikaze?" he gasped. It laughed louder this time "Yes, you are the son of the Yondaime, but you knew that already, didn't you? Deep down, you knew ever since you saw him, I could tell by your change in emotion whenever you saw a picture of him" it snarled, spitting his last names out resentfully. "That means..." "The old man lied to you? To your face? Despite your desperate desire to know your parents, he still refused you. Yes, he lied to you."

Naruto clenched his hands, shaking with rage. "I can feel your hatred and anger from here, Naruto, but before you do anything let me give you some advice." Slowly, Naruto's hands relaxed and opened and he took a deep breath. "What is this 'advice' Kyuubi?" The Bijuu smirked and spoke in its booming voice "Don't do anything stupid. Remember that I am the real reason you didn't know your parents in the first place, as well as the reason you know who they are now". Naruto's eyes narrowed and he grit his teeth, seething, unconsciously calling on the Kyuubi's chakra in his rage. "You'll pay for it, fox" he spat as the chakra faded away into his system. The Kyuubi's eyes narrowed back at him "Unconsciously calling on my chakra when you're angry at me? You might be able to wield some of my chakra, but you can't control it, nor can you control me" he snarled. Naruto smirked triumphantly back "Seems one day I'll be able to control your chakra. But Kyuubi, before I leave..."

It raise an eyebrow at him, unsure of what he might be wanting to say. "I don't want to control you, I want to work with you. Our hatred combined could crush any who oppose us, I may even be able to give you a body to use, if only temporarily." The Kyuubi grinned maliciously "Seems you're smarter than you look, very well, I will see if you hold true to your word."

"NARUTO! NARUTO WAKE UP AND STOP SLEEPING IN MY CLASS!" shouted Iruka into Naruto's ear. Naruto slowly opened his eyes and turned to Iruka "Yeah yeah I know." Iruka sighed and walked back down to the platform. "You have no homework class, but Naruto has detention" he looked up at Naruto, annoyed "The rest of you are dismissed, enjoy the rest of the day." Sasuke snickered at Naruto "Nice going dobe, have fun in detention". Naruto simply rolled his eyes "Don't worry, I'll be out in no time". "Same spot then, Naruto?" "Same spot."

Sasuke nodded and left the room, leaving Naruto and Iruka alone. "Oi, Iruka-sensei" he waved Iruka over. He sighed and walked up the stairs to Naruto "Yes?". Naruto smirked at him and made a handsign "Harem no Jutsu!" six shadow clones, henged into busty, beautiful women squealed and surrounded Iruka. His nose bled profusely before he shot up into the ceiling, knocking himself out instantly from his own immense perversion. Naruto dispersed the shadows clones with a smirk and walked down the steps and out the door, heading off to their usual training ground.

Naruto Uchiha: the Last Sage of the Six Paths by JH17Where stories live. Discover now