Chapter 1: Life and Death

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Uzumaki Naruto, the "demon", ran for his life. While he really could not be killed by normal means due to his regeneration, that did not help the stress of it all. He ran all the way from his apartment to the Uchiha District. When he got there, he looked for his almost-friend Sasuke. The seven year old boy was nowhere to be found. Instead, Naruto came across nothing but death. Blood and corpses filled the streets of the great Uchiha District. He stood staring at the revolting site. When the villagers finally caught up to him, they began to accuse him of killing them. They assumed he was really the demon they thought him to be, and so their hateful chase increased ten-fold. They charged him. Naruto, too scared from the deaths of the Uchiha and feeling a certain sympathy grasp his heart, didn't move. The villagers beat him to the floor, continuing to lay down blow after blow. His body was covered in blood and bruises after an hour but they were just getting started. The beating got fiercer and the weapons came out. Kunai were stabbed into him, clubs beat him, and torches scorched his skin.

Little Naruto Uzumaki, "demon" of the village, showed nothing but smiles before that day. That day, he snapped. Naruto didn't see his friend's corpse, but he figured it was there too. This revelation, along with the other Uchiha bodies and blood, made him snap when the villagers finally began to let up on their attacks. The mental and physical strain was too much, and so, the Uchiha Massacre encompassed more than purely Uchiha. It had dozens of villagers with it.

Red, burning chakra burst from the boy in a fiery explosion. His eyes warped into the proud eyes of the dead he saw all around him. Blue irises bled into a deep red, and three black tomoe spun wildly. The black pupils stretched upward into animalistic slits as his whiskers darkened and thickened. His nails sharpened and grew. A red, bubbling chakra swarmed his body, healing and empowering him immensely. "You...all of you..WILL PAY FOR THIS!" He roared.

The villagers struggled to breathe with the immense killing intent the six year old boy was releasing. The few nin, a couple of chunin and genin, who were with the villagers stood shakily until the boy lashed out. He moved faster than any of them could see, ripping through them like paper. Blood splashed into the air. Bodies dropped to the ground. He tore through the 30-some villagers with ease, even killing the nin. After finishing the entire group of them, the chakra faded away. He stood, staring at the corpses, realizing the full weight of his actions. He turned to run to the Hokage, to tell him what he d done, but he stopped when he saw Uchiha Itachi staring back at him.

Their red eyes locked, and Itachi's spun into his Mangekyou, whispering a single word before he shunshin-ed back to the Hokage's office to tell him his mission was complete. Naruto dropped to his knees as the Tsukiyomi took hold. "Even Itachi wouldn't speak to me...I...I'm a monster, aren't I? I'm the same thing I tried to prove I wasn't...I'm a demon...I killed them...all of them" he thought. He broke down as the images and memories of the slaughter were replayed in his mind over and over. An hour later the Hokage and his Anbu arrived to cleanup after Itachi.

-Fourteen hours later-

Slowly, his eyes opened, blurred by the light above him. He stared into the ceiling for a few moments before he sat up slowly.

" do you feel?" the Hokage asked.

Silence. Naruto simply looked up at him with dead eyes for a moment, before his eyes dropped back down. "What do I do about all this?" the Hokage wondered, "Do I blame Itachi?"


" is done." Itachi spoke as he kneeled before the "God of Shinobi", Hiruzen Sarutobi. The late Sandaime was forced back into the position after the death of Minato Namikaze. Hiruzen nodded to Itachi. "Rise, Uchiha Itachi, sadly it is your time to leave the village." Itachi nodded and stood. "Before I leave, Hokage-sama...blame everything on me. Not just for the Uchiha deaths, but all of them. Do not let Naruto be blamed for it. Tell them I placed Naruto under my Tsukiyomi. Most of all, make sure the councilors don't get their hands on the last two Uchiha left in the village. Goodbye, Hokage-sama." He burst into a flock of crows before Hiruzen could respond.

-End Flashback-

Naruto's eyes slowly reddened into his matured Sharingan, until they receded back into his dulled blue eyes.

"This must be what Itachi meant...I suppose I have no choice but to pin the blame on him." He thought, still a bit surprised by Naruto's Sharingan. Itachi would from now on be an S-Rank missing-nin, as much as Hiruzen hoped it wouldn't come to that. "Naruto, just rest, tell them I have given you permission to leave whenever you see fit."

"Then I'm leaving." Naruto replied. Hiruzen blinked in surprise "Are you sure Naruto?"

"Hai...Hokage-sama." Those words broke the old Hokage's heart. The stress, hate, and pain of it all had finally crushed Naruto's spirit. Naruto slide off the bed quietly, and walked out of his room and then out of the hospital, walking until he finally made it to his apartment. For the next three days, he would lock himself away from the outside world.

Naruto Uchiha: the Last Sage of the Six Paths by JH17Where stories live. Discover now