Chapter 10: Team 7's Test!

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As Naruto finished explaining his plan to Sasuke and Sakura, Kakashi finally arrived. "Yo!" he said with an eye-smile, the signature book in hand. "You're late" growled Sakura. Kakashi explained that he had to help an old lady with her groceries, but none of them bought the generic excuse.

"So, let me explain this test. You three have to get these bells from me." He held up the aforementioned bells then looped them into the side of his waist. "Whoever doesn't get a bell, goes back to the Academy. Any questions? No? Great, let's start."

Sasuke ran off to the left side, while Sakura went the opposite way moments later. Kakashi inwardly smirked, seeing that they were working independently, rather than together. Naruto grinned darkly, knowing full well that the two would not get in the way when he channeled that chakra. "Kakashi. Put the book down." Kakashi simply raised an eyebrow, then looked up at him. "Eh? Why's that blondie?" "Because I'm right behind you" spoke a voice. Kakashi whipped around only to see another charge him. Kakashi simply dodged the clone's attacks and kicked it, dispersing it into smoke. "Kage Bunshin? How does he know that technique?" Kakashi turned back to the original, slipping the book into his pocket.

"Kakashi, are you willing to take me seriously now?" "Mmm, I guess, show me whatcha got, blondie." Naruto grinned, as a dark red chakra bubbled out and over him. Kakashi's eye widened "The Kyuubi's chakra! He can control it?!". Naruto grinned as the chakra altered his appearance. He let it soak through his pathways, saturating them with the burning chakra. His body writhed against it, but Naruto refused to give in. As more and more chakra poured out, he roared in pain, reigning in control of the immense, hateful chakra that permeated his mind and body. "Careful, boy, you may soon give yourself to me." "Not a chance." Naruto stood, grinning madly as the wind whipped around him. He let his eyes swirl with three, black tomoe, his hair spiking and his teeth and nails extending and sharpening.

"Now, Kakashi" spoke Naruto in a distorted voice, "will you take me seriously?" Kakashi narrowed his eye, before pulling up his headband and opening his left eye. Naruto's eyes widened, staring at the Sharingan. "You aren't an Uchiha, whose eye is that?" "An old friend, whose eyes are those?" Kakashi asked, looking back at him. "Mine." Kakashi's eyes widened in shock, as Naruto shot forward with great speed. "Fast!" Kakashi slipped between two fists quickly before striking out with a kick to the head, instantly regretting it as the potent chakra burned his leg, flinching and leaping away. "I knew you weren't a pushover, Naruto, but this is far beyond my expectations." Naruto grinned viciously, baring his teeth as he gritted them in agony. "You can't keep this up for long, Naruto. You have only...five minutes. If you hadn't burned up all your energy training earlier, you would have had much more time."

Sasuke and Sakura met back up far behind the two, hiding behind trees. Sakura could barely stand as it was, while Sasuke did not fare much better. "O-ok, Sakura, we have to get the bells when Naruto shows us an opportunity. Got it?" Sakura nodded quietly, shivering in fear. "G-got it, S-Sasuke." Sasuke noticed the lack of "-kun" at the end, but didn't mention it. The two simply waited in silence, looking for when Naruto let the fox's chakra dissipate.

Naruto shot forward again with a shunshin, channeling chakra into his hands and feet for additional strength and speed. He swung up at Kakashi with his right hand, Kakashi leaning under the fist as Naruto spun low with a sweeping kick. Kakashi narrowly missed what would have been a debilitating strike to the center of the thigh. "That would have shattered my femur with that speed and strength, I can't hold back if he reaches me." Naruto continued on the offensive, lunging forward and feinting a left handed strike to the side, pivoting and spinning off the momentum into a back-heel kick to the head. Kakashi leaned forward as the left hand passed by, swiping across his jacket and burning some of it away before ducking under Naruto's kick. Naruto grinned as Kakashi fell head first into his trap, continuing the arcing motion of the foot before the chakra tail slammed into his jaw, sending him spiralling away and crashing through a tree and into another. Naruto laughed madly as he watched the fruits of his training appear before his eyes. Unfortunately, "Kakashi" erupted into smoke, leaving only the bells behind. "Idiot. It's a genjutsu". The genjutsu wore off as the Kyuubi pushed a small amount of its chakra into Naruto's system. Naruto growled, cursing himself for having fallen to such a stupid trick. However, he could not let up now. He searched around for the now missing Kakashi and bells. He honed his senses as best he could and snarled when he caught sight of Kakashi's chakra signature, smaller than before, but still there. He launched himself forward and into the air, right to the clearing where Kakashi stood.

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