''Oho, the little demon has finally stopped running!''

Naruto said nothing; he knew that his words would aggravate the predicament he was currently in.

''Today, we are going to judge you for your crimes, demon!''

He would get judged even though he committed no crimes.

''What do you have to say for yourself?!''

Each time before they beat him, they always asked him that question, and each time he would always say, 'I'm innocent, please don't hurt me.' His words would get him kicked in the face and angry outbursts, 'You're innocent?! You dare say that after killing my wife and my little sister?! You aren't innocent vermin!' No matter the kind of answer he gave, it was always the wrong answer. Today he wasn't going to answer any questions.

''You will answer me when I'm talking to you, demon!'' One yelled, gutting him.

Naruto coughed and looked up to the man but remained silent. He was going to get beat even if he answered the question. It served no benefit to him if he answered.

Whatever action he did or the words he uttered seemed to infuriate the mob further. One man from the crowd took out a kitchen knife and stabbed him in his hand. They all waited for him to scream, but he didn't this time. Blood just leaked from his hand while he just looked at it.

''You're stubborn today, eh Kyuubi?''

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. He had heard of the Kyuubi, but now he was just called it; he was just a six-year-old orphan. Well, now he understood why the hatred seemed to intensify on his birthday. Now that he thought about it, he was born the day the Kyuubi attacked. But why would he be called the Kyuubi? Everybody knew the Yondaime killed the Kyuubi. He couldn't be the Kyuubi...could he?

''Hey! You know we aren't supposed to say that. The Sandaime forbid it.''

''Ah, that old fool can't do anything! You've seen how 'kind and 'loving' he is towards the demon, yet we've been getting revenge on the demon for how long now? What has he done about it?''

''Yeah, you're right! Let's just get our revenge and go back to the party before everybody goes home.''

Naruto clenched his eyes as the beating began. It hurt, but he took it all in without shedding a tear or making a sound. It was just temporary pain, he knew that he would be waking up inside a hospital in a day or two, and the first person he would see would be his Jiji.

*Two days later, Konoha hospital*

Naruto couldn't move any part of his body, he couldn't open his eyes, and he didn't feel any pain. The only thing that seemed to be working was his ears. He could hear the sound of two voices speaking. He decided to just listen to what they were saying.

''Hokage-Sama, why don't you ask Jiraiya-sama to come back and take Naruto out of the village?''

''I have already tried that Kakashi, but he refused. When I asked him, he told me, 'I can't take care of a brat while operating a spy network, and besides, you know I'm not fit for the parenting role.' Even when I pointed out that Naruto was his godson, he still refused.''

''If it's okay, you can let me take care of him! I owe that much to his father.'' Kakashi suggested.

''No, you are important and of one of the strongest shinobi of the village. We can't lose you, not at the moment.''

''Then what are we going to do?''

''I don't really know Kakashi. I just hope that Naruto remains sane despite all the hatred he has to endure.''

Uchiha Naruto: The SageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz