155 - Becoming An Apprentice

Start from the beginning

"Master, somebody at the front is asking for you." She stated. "What would you like me to do?"

What is this going to be..?

"Make sure the girls aren't disturbed, they're having a sleepover or something." I replied. "I'll go check it out."

"Of course, Master." She nodded.

Closing the door behind me, I started to walk towards the entrance. The butlers and maids all bowed to me as I passed by. For a while now they've done this and called me "Master", and now I've gotten used to this strange treatment.

As I reached the entrance, I nodded to the butler. He opened the door and let the visitor inside. I immediately recognized him. Why was Brandon Tsuki here? For Bianca?

"Hey Ken!" He grinned.

"Hey." I greeted. He had a bandage on his forehead. Considering his immense power, that's a little worrying. "You alright?"

"Everything's fine." He stated. "But you mind if I talk to you for a little bit?"

"Sure. Follow me." I replied. This had to be important. I led him to my room, telling the maid to not let anybody interrupt us unless if it was one of the girls. Closing and locking the door behind me, I turned back to Brandon.

"I take it this is important?" I asked Brandon.

"Very. I'm sure you're already aware, but the Council put a bounty on you for the Assassin's League." Brandon stated.

"Yes, I was aware. It had been active for a little while now." I replied.

"I had a talk with my father." Brandon continued. "Because obviously I don't agree with it, and I was able to get him to call it off for the moment."

So that's why it's been quiet and calm recently.

"Thank you for that." I expressed my gratitude.

"No problem." Brandon grinned. "It's nothing compared to what you did for me. However, he did it on a condition."

"What's the condition?" I asked.

"He wants you to become my apprentice." Brandon stated.

"Apprentice?" I questioned. "But Adventurers don't pick trainees to be apprentices until their final year."

"True." Brandon nodded. "However we both know you are much more than the average Year 2 trainee. So, what do you say?"

Being Brandon Tsuki's apprentice? He's the most famous S Rank Adventurer in Japan. I don't care about gaining attention, not anymore, and from this I can get some pointers from the Japan's strongest S Rank Adventurer.

No matter how I see this, isn't this all pros? I get to learn from him, and I get the Council off my back, should they stick to their deal. If they don't, I'm sure the Cult can deal with them. But his prevents unnecessary casualties...

"Sounds good to me." I grinned. "I look forward to working with you." I brought my hand out for a handshake.

"I'm glad." Brandon smiled back, grabbing my hand and shaking it. "I'll be announcing it tomorrow. Anyways, on certain days of school you'll be pulled out for apprenticeship, which will contain training, shadowing, and more."

"Principal won't be too happy about that." I smirked.

"I've seen your attendance record." Brandon laughed. "It's ridiculous."

"So..." Brandon stated, slinking over to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Whatcha think about my baby sister? We both know she's head over heels for you."

"...I absolutely care for her. A lot." I stated. "But whether or not it's love...I'm still deciding. But I do think it is. Anyways, are you fine with her being with a man with multiple lovers."

"It's fine!" Brandon laughed. "You may be a womanizer, but you're one of the best men I've ever met."

"I'm not a womanizer though..." I deadpanned.

"Well, thanks for understanding." Brandon suddenly became serious again. "I'm really sorry about my father. Ever since the death of my mother he hasn't been the same."

"...it's fine." I sighed. "It's just been a minor annoyance, really. Besides, this works in my favor."

Brandon grinned at my words. "Yeah, I'm glad she fell in love with you." His phone suddenly buzzed. He pulled it out, before paling at whatever he looked at.

"All right, I got to go!" He nervously laughed. "Yandere girlfriends, you know?"

He ran to my window, slamming it open and jumping outside, leaving me alone. Also, did he seriously just say his girlfriend was a yandere? Is every girl in this anime world a yandere?

"Is everything alright Master?!" The maid banged on the door. "I heard a slam!"

"Everything's fine, thanks for the concern." I replied. "Just a strange departure."

"That was certainly an experience." Loki mused.

"That is an interesting man." Medea stated. "To think he is the strongest S Rank Adventurer in Japan. Well, it seems like someone will be having a strong power boost soon."

Being trained by Brandon, Loki, and Medea? Yeah, that Azaroth better watch out, because if he comes for this world, he's going to have to go through me first.

"Master!" The door was banged on once more. "Irene has become sick!"

"Oh, what did they do...?" I sighed to myself. Did she eat too many sweets? Better go take care of her as her fiancé.

A/N: Next arc is Brandon arc??? :0
Anyways, there's more to this arc than what it seems ;)

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