Spiderwebs and Harpies

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Joshua knew he had to cross the river Shannai to get to the palace. But when he got there, he could see no way of getting across. 

He squinted and saw that Francis' boat was waiting on the other side. "Phadia..." he muttered.

There was only one other way to get to the across. He had to be carried over it.

He started walking away from the river thinking of ways he could make this possible. He looked into the treetops. If only he could cut down a tree and use it as a raft. But the dryads that raised him would never let him do that.

Then he heard something. A screech and a chatter of loud birds. But he had heard this sound enough before to know that these weren't any ordinary birds. They were harpies and they were just big enough to carry him over the river. But how could he convince those ruthless beasts to do that?

He perked his ears upwards and listened to them.

"... I'm so glad you agreed to come with me. We have to make our way to the palace. Those monsters said they were going to eat the Empress. We have to come her defence. I have a brilliant..."

Joshua took a step back. Harpies coming to Destiny's defence. It was unheard of! What were the chances that he'd find a harpy that wanted to go the palace?

He had to be quick now – the creatures wouldn't be talking forever. There was only one way he could think of that would get him to the other side of the river. The harpies wouldn't be happy about it but what else could he do.

Joshua knew that pixies and water sprites used spider-silk in practically everything. They used it to sew their clothes together. They used it to stitch blankets and furniture in their tiny homes hidden in nooks and inside logs. They used it to wrap up the quills on their heads and to carry tiny packages up trees.

Joshua smiled. He had just thought of another way to use spider silk.

*** ***

"Wherever Destiny wants us to be, we'll be there. We can't let anything happen to our Empress."

Razu was giving a speech to his two younger brothers who didn't even seem mildly interested in what he was saying. They just wanted to get to the palace already. Defending the Empress wasn't exactly what they had in mind for how to spend their afternoon but they were willing to do anything exiting.

Razu turned to his youngest brother. "Kryo, we may have to use our powers to defend her. Do you think you're ready to help us make lightning?"

Kryo nodded timidly. He wasn't entirely sure of his own capabilities. Razu had confidence in him though and that confidence was enough to make him follow.

"Cerux, promise you'll focus this time around?" Razu looked to the other harpy. "I won't tolerate no reckless flying; even storms have some order."

Cerux rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say..."

Razu was completely oblivious to what was going on behind him while he instructed them. He didn't even notice when a thin line of spider-silk was tied around his waist.

He raised his great black wings into the air and beat them quickly. He and his brothers were going to fly across Shannai. Normally, Razu who was the oldest would have been ahead of them but something was slowing him down.

He bent his head to inspect his waist. There was a string tied to him and a little elf was grasping onto it.

Razu screeched angrily but kept flying anyway. For a moment, he thought about loosening the string and letting the elf fall.

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