Start from the beginning

Cat Noir gets out of the river and meets up with Ladybug. 'She's impossible to catch!'

'Not to mention even getting near her!' Ladybug adds.

'How do we break the object that holds the akuma?' Cat Noir asks.

'Bring in the net, and flip the turtle!' Qilin says, putting the police vans on their backs with the guards all inside. 'An injustice to one is a threat to all. Take these handcuffs off me!'

'I think things are more complicated than they seem, we have to find out more. Cover me!' Ladybug says to Cat Noir.

Cat Noir leaps on the lampposts towards Qilin. 'Those are some poetic nicknames you have for your attacks. I like them a lot. Where do you get your inspiration from?' he asks.

'Crush the cat!' Qilin cries, using her powers to pick up cars, throwing them towards him.

'Not such a fan of this one!' Cat Noir cries out, narrowly evading getting crushed by cars.

Ladybug gets a call on her phone. Luka? She answers it.

"Ladybug! I saw the whole thing. Mrs Dupain-Chang is mad because her daughter had the tickets and the ticket inspector didn't believe her that she was going to meet her at the next stop. So, they arrested her for travelling without a valid ticket and because she had no ID or money to pay the fine."

"Got it! Thanks! You stay out of harms way!" she hangs up. (The LadyCam encrypts any phone calls for security reasons so they cannot be heard.)

She sighs. Oh no, it's all my fault! She thought to herself.

Cat Noir comes up to her. 'So did we find out what's got her feline so mad?' Cat Noir asks.

'Yeah, it's because her daughter got off with the tickets, ID and money' she replied.

'Well, how about we find that daughter?' Cat Noir winks.

Ladybug smiles. 'That could work! The injustice will be impaired and she'd have no reason to stay akumatized. Let's see if your idea is really that good. Cover me!'

Cat Noir goes up to Qilin again. 'Excuse me, I got the impression you were trying to say something just now with that flying truck.'

She flings more police vans at him with her power.

'All right, it's much clearer now!' Cat Noir says, dodging falling vans.

Ladybug sighs. What you don't know kitty cat is that for Marinette to appear I'd have to de-transform. That's pretty risky, I better be sure it'll work and calm down mom before I do it she thinks to herself.

Tying her yo-yo to a lamppost, she gets up and cries out to both parties.

'Qilin! Roger! it's silly to fight over a few bus tickets!' Ladybug yells.

'It's not a matter of tickets, it's a matter of principle!' Roger and Qilin reply in unison.

Qilin tries to blow Ladybug away, but because she was able to tie her yo-yo to the lamppost, she hangs on.

'If we find the girl who has them, we can prove that all of this was just a misunderstanding!' Ladybug replies.

Shadowmoth speaks to Qilin from his lair: 'She's lying, it's a trap!'

Qilin looks at Ladybug. 'Really? Then they'll stop attacking me?'

'I promise you!' Ladybug replies.

Qilin stops using her power and Ladybug lands safely and retracts her yo-yo.

Qilin then turns to Roger. 'Take these handcuffs off me!' she demands.

'Absolutely not! My duty is in question, you were on the bus without a ticket, you were breaking the law!' Roger replies.

'And the law is the law!' the ticket inspector adds.

'You're mistaking law for justice; integrity without intelligence is nothing but blind ignorance!' Qilin replies.

"General, begin operation: butterfly net!" Roger speaks into his walkie-talkie.

'Ooh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!' the ticket inspector says happily.

Four helicopters fly in, all fire nets out to capture Qilin.

Qilin sees them coming. 'Chase the storm!' she cries, blowing them back towards the helicopters, capturing them in the nets instead, sending them crashing into the river.

Cat Noir sighs. 'Oh well, so much for my great idea, back to the old-fashioned way miraculously swipe those handcuffs and break them!'

'Exactly! Lucky Charm!' Ladybug cries, receiving a ray gun.

'A ray gun? Hmm...' She looks around and only Roger's keys light up.

'To stop this all we need to do is remove those handcuffs and I just need the key to do that so why a ray gun?' She looks to Roger. 'Roger, give me your keys!'

'Are you out of your mind? She's already unstoppable wet handcuffs if we take them off, she'll destroy everything!' the ticket inspector retorts.

'He's right!' Roger agrees.

Ladybug groans. 'Stop being so stubborn!' She starts coming towards Roger with her yo-yo in shield mode. 'If you don't give them to me, I'll take them by force!'

'In that case, you two will be breaking the law, Miss Ladybug!' Roger says as he blows his whistle. 'Guys, cover me!'

'Charge!' the guards say, coming over towards Roger covering him with their shields from all sides, so Roger couldn't even be seen anymore.

Ladybug looks around again and with her bug vision she sees the guards, one of their shields, a manhole cover and Cat Noir light up.

'Of course! That's what I was missing!' Ladybug says.

'More opponents?' Cat Noir suggests.

'Sort of, in order to deakumatize Qilin we also have to stop the attacks from the police! Here's my plan!' Ladybug says as she whispered the plan into his ear.

Ladybug grabbed the shield placing it over the manhole cover and using the ray gun to make the circle shape, she removes the cover allowing Cat Noir to slide down just inside and Ladybug places the cut-out shield over the manhole.

Cat Noir activates his power. 'Cataclysm!'

Ladybug ties her yo-yo all around the group of guards covering Roger, carefully leading them towards the see-through manhole cover.

'This way, officers!' Ladybug grins.

Once Cat Noir sees Roger's feet, he uses his cataclysm on the shield and Roger falls down into the manhole.

'Roger fancy, meeting you here?' Cat Noir says as he removes Roger's keys. 'Sorry!' he says as he runs away to another manhole with Roger trying to chase after him, but Cat Noir is too fast.

'The destruction of public property theft of authority's equipment and absurd little cat ears and bell!' Roger calls out after him.

'It's for justice in the common good you'll thank me later, Roger! Promise!' Cat Noir replies.

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