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requested by snailmiaa

as you were sitting in your room binging teen wolf for the fifth time, you heard your phone go off from your nightstand so you picked it up to see a text from chris:

baby can u pls come over? im sick and i wanna cuddle u  ):

want me to pick u up anything?

yes pls, mcdonald's would be great

alright, i'll be there soon

you then turned off your phone, turned off your tv and stood up from your bed to go put on a hoodie.

once you grabbed everything that you wanted to bring to chris' place, you headed outside and to your car.

you put your key into the ignition and off you went to get chris some food.

once you arrived to chris' place, you parked in the driveway and removed the key from the ignition.

you then got out of your car, grabbing chris' mcdonald's along with your belongings before heading over to the front door.

before you could even knock on the door, nick opened it, matt standing behind him.

"we were watching out for you," nick admitted.

you asked, "why?" as you walked into the triplets' home.

matt shrugged, "why not? but chris is in his room waiting for you."

you sent him a small nod before heading up to his room, a small smile forming on your face as you realized how badly chris wanted to cuddle you.

once you reached his bedroom door, you knocked on it before hearing a small 'come in' from behind the door.

you opened it, seeing chris curled under his blanket, playing on his phone.

"baby!" he exclaimed, his voice sounding hoarse.

"hey babe," you smiled small, setting the mcdonald's bag on his bedside table.

he sat up in his bed and his eyes looked puffy and his nose looked red.

your smile then turned into a small frown as you sat down next you your sick boyfriend, running a hand through his hair.

he let out a small groan before wrapping his arms around your waist and stuffing his face into your chest.

"how shitty are you feeling on a scale from one to ten?" you asked, looking down at him as you played with his hair.

you heard him mumble a quick 'eleven', which made you let out a small chuckle.

"it's not funny!" he whined, his voice cracking slightly.

you mumbled, "sorry, sorry."

he then removed his face from your chest, rubbing his already red and puffy eyes.

"i wanna sleep but that's all i've been doing all day," he whined once more, tears glistening in his blue eyes.

"if you want to sleep, sleep. don't worry about it," you reassured as you still continued to play with his hair.

he then let out a sigh before lying down on his side of the bed, gently gripping your hand.

"what?" you chuckled, looking down at him.

he answered, "cuddle me, please."

"i'm guessing you wanna be the little spoon?" you questioned with a smile, already knowing the answer.

"yes," he mumbled, getting comfortable on his side.

you then laid down next to him, wrapping him in your arms with his back pressed against your front.

after about three hours of you playing on your phone and chris' head now resting on your chest, he finally woke up, letting out a small groan.

"hey," you said softly.

he let out another groan, but a bit louder this time before sitting up a bit and stretching out his limbs.

your boyfriend then laid back down on your chest and you asked, "do you want your mcdonald's now?"

"yes please," he mumbled, sitting back up against his headboard.

you did the same, grabbing the bag from his bedside table and setting it on his lap.

"it's still kinda warm, what the fuck?" he questioned to himself as he opened the bag, revealing his chicken nuggets and fries.

you chuckled as you also handed him his sweet tea, watching as a huge smile grew on his face.

"my tea! thank you, baby!" he exclaimed, awkwardly hugging you as he tried not to spill the food everywhere.

you hugged back but pulled away quickly so chris could actually sit upright.

you stole one of chris' nuggets, causing him to send you a small pout.

"hey, i did buy this for you, you know," you pointed out, jokingly.

he whined, "but i'm hungry."

"it's just one, nugget, chrissy," you chuckled.

he let a small smile creep onto his lips as he continued to eat his food.

once chris finished his food and drink, he put all his garbage into the mcdonald's bag and put it on the floor by his bed.

"aw fuck, my throat hurts," he mumbled, rubbing at it as if it'll make it feel better.

you said, "i'll have matt bring you some water."

you sent matt a quick text about the water and not even two minutes later, he came in with the water.

"thanks matty b," you teased, chris taking the cup and sipping from it.

"fuck you," he chuckled, jokingly flipping you off.

you did it back as you watched him exit the room, closing the door behind him.

"thanks for dealing with my bullshit, baby. it means a lot," chris said, giving you a look.

you smiled, "you're welcome, anytime."

chris sturniolo imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin