Kingdom Hearts

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Had she done it? Had she finished off Ansem once and for all? Sora didn't think so. It didn't feel safe, it didn't feel as though the worlds were restored. It felt instead like the end of them. She had opened the door that lead to the ruins of her island, and faced against the monster that was Ansem. He no longer had a trace of Riku on the outside, Riku's essence had all but been swallowed up and it left an uncomfortable ache in Sora's chest to see her friend in such a state of emptiness.

She had fought, desperately to return Riku his heart. Both times her blade had proven mighty, had shown Ansem that she wasn't just a little girl playing at being a hero. She was determined to show him the light and free Riku.

Ansem's eyes were a terrifying gold, crazed and lost in his endless theories of darkness and lost hearts. "Darkness is the heart's true essence," he had claimed.

She refused to believe that so. A heart make be weak and may even give into darkness, but if her journey had taught her anything it's that there's a light in each heart that never goes out. With that determination she fought him, first with her friends, then again alone, but as her blade struck him down things around her began to disintegrate and fall apart. Her mind went hazy and she watched as the island faded and all that surrounded her was the dark.

"Behold the endless Abyss!" Ansem's voice carried through her ears making them burn. Why wouldn't he just stay down? "Within it lies the heart of all worlds!" Her eyes searched and spotted the door to the heart of all words. the grey door standing atop a jagged piece of land in the middle of the endless abyss. "Kingdom Hearts!"

The battle wasn't over, but it wasn't far from the end. She knew that this would be the final stretch, the test of who would triumph, light or darkness.

"Look as hard as you're able, you'll not find the smallest glimmer of light!"

Where was his voice coming from? Where was Ansem?

"From those dark depths are all hearts born, even yours!" The sinister finish of his sentence had her eyes gazing down, and there she spotted him. The sight of him made her gasp, his body warped and mangled, it had looked as if he had combined it with several heartless into a makeshift body. His heart was waning and his mind crazed with power. The space he took up was that even greater than a gummi ship, so large and overwhelming.

The darkness pushed against her and she felt so cold, She fell into the darkness caught off guard by the pure evil of it. "Riku!"

"Giving up already? Come on Sora, I thought you were tougher than that."

Riku's voice was like a fresh cup of hot chocolate, warming her body against the cold. Her lips curved and she pushed against the darkness catching flight as she had in neverland. She glittered with the power of flight and let her blade come to her. 

"You won't scare me off, Ansem!"

This was it, no holding back, no second chances. It was either she succeeded in defeating Ansem now, or let him push the words into darkness. So she gathered all her strength and face Ansem head to head. She spotted the source of his body at the very top, riding atop his ship like a proud pirate flag. She clashed with his large double bladed sword, their power sparking, light pushing against dark.

Her heart, she had to remember her strength was her heart. She pushed off backing away, his power was great and she knew she wouldn't win with strength alone. She had to be smart with her attacks. So she felt him out, flying across the abyss waiting for openings, striking at him suddenly when the moment felt right.

Her agility was certainly tested, it felt like she was multitasking on more than one occassion dodging streams of dark power that pierced her, burning her, and made her head spin from the pain of it. Oh the pain, it was so great, she'd never known such incredible pain before, and her confidence in battle wavered.

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