Battle of the Heart

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Riku's mind and heart were a whirl of raging emotions... Why had Sora pushed him away? Why was she acting so childish? Why couldn't she see the truth? He had so many thoughts and frustrations whirling inside him that it was difficult for him to keep his focus.

He paused in his walk... taking a long deep breath to calm himself. His eyebrow twitched irritably as he turned his head to look behind him. Goofy and Donald strolled up casually, not saying a word. Why were her so called friends following him?

"What do you want?"

"Sorry to disturb your thinking, but we're under orders from our king." Goofy explained. "You see even though we really like Sora, and she is our friend... our job is to find and stick close to the "key" which apparently is you."

"I see..." He could just see the hurt and dejected look on Sora's face. Something inside him twisted and he lowered his head. "So you were just using her to find your king?"

"Gee... it sounds kinda mean when you put it that way." Goofy scratched his cheek. "... but I suppose you're not wrong."

"It did start out that way..." Donald admitted guiltily. "... but things changed the more we travelled together."

"Yeah, you're right." Goofy smiled. "We all became friends in the end. Sora understands that we need find the king and get rid of the heartless. She's a really kind person."

"I don't know..." Donald shook his head. "Sora looked awfully sad. I don't think she'll ever forgive us for just leaving her."

"She'll forgive you." Riku spoke quietly to the two of them. Their heads lifted up in his direction "It's what she does."

"Yep, that's Sora for yah." Goofy laughed. "Even after everything that's happened between the two of you, Sora never gave up on yah. She knows you're a good person, Riku, she always spoke really highly of you."

"She did?" Riku turned to face the two fully, his eyes conflicted. "...what did she say about me?"

Donald and Goofy exchanged knowing glances. Donald hissed out a laugh waving his hand in front of his face.

"Oh, you know, nothing really important..." He teased, with a smug expression. "She said you were a good fighter, and that the two of you argued all the time."

"Okay..." That didn't sound like speaking highly of someone, Riku thought. Slightly annoyed by the lack of information he pressed further. "Anything else?"

"She also said that you were her best friend, and that you, her and Kairi all hung out on a small island together, and that you were planning to see other worlds when your home was attacked by the heartless." Goofy added.

"She told us a story about when the two of your were little and would go looking for monsters to fight, and you were always really protective of her." Donald continued.

"She told you about that, huh?" A little embarrassed, Riku scratched his cheek laughing. His entire persona seemed to change the more they talked, and both Donald and Goofy could see the real Riku that Sora was so fond of.

"Yep, and now that I think about it..." Goofy chuckled. "She talked about you more than anything else. We could tell she really missed you."

"Oh yeah, it was always Riku this, or Riku that, or where's Riku? We gotta find Riku!" Donald mimicked Sora, adding a bit of flair to his movements to come off more feminine. "It was pretty annoying." Donald complained, emphasizing the "T" sounds to punctuate his meaning.

"She did?" Riku smiled at that. "Really?"

"Yeah, and even when shes not talking about you we can tell when shes thinking about you." Donald added.

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