Wish upon a Genie

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"Ouch!" Sora nursed her finger pouting. "Man why can't I be as good at this as Kairi? She loves crafts."

"What are you doing, Sora? We should be getting ready to leave." Goofy said looking at Sora who sat on the steps in front of the accessory shop. They were still waiting on Donald who was fighting over his nephews on the prices of the new wand he wanted to purchase.

"Yeah I know, but seeing Riku leave got me thinking." She rubbed her fingers again looking down at the pieces of stone glass and leather she was using to create a charm. "Even though the three of us are separated I feel like we're still close, and I think it's because of the charm Riku gave me." She pulled her braid into view showing off the stones. "I'm confident I'll see them again because in a way they're always with me... but Riku and Kairi don't really have this kind of thing to comfort them so I'm making them one.  That way if we ever get separated again we each have something to bring us comfort!"

"That's a great idea, Sora, but what's the star shape mean?" Goofy sat down next to her leaning his head in to watch her work.

"In my world there's these star shaped fruits called Paopu Fruit... they represent an unbreakable connection when shared between people who care about each other. It's said that when they share the fruit their destinies become intertwined and they'll remain apart of each other's lives forever and ever." Sora blushed a little as she explained it and finished looping the charm with the leather string to produce the final product. She stared long and hard at the star shaped stone her finger flicking it gently to make it spin. "Do you think he'll like it?"

"If I know anything from the brief time we met Riku I think he'll cherish anything you give him." Goofy patted her shoulder chuckling.

"I hope so." She pocketed the necklace and then started on the one for Kairi, instead of a necklace thought she would make a bracelet... but as she started to put the thing together her hands halted.

"Huh? Something wrong Sora?"

"I'm... not sure." Sora couldn't put her finger on it... but seeing those pieces together.. didn't register the way she thought they would. She heard Donald coming out of the item shop mumbling something about thieving little scamps as he approached. She quickly folded up the unfinished pieces in a cloth. "I'll finish this later."

"Are we ready to go?" Donald asked testing his new want by doing a quick wind spell and giving a nod of approval.

"In a minute... Donald, Goofy, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you know about this guy that Leon talked about... a man name Vincent."

"We've heard about him from the king a couple times. He told us that he's a dark fairy that was once was obsessed with the seven purest lights... whatever that means." Goofy explained. "Why do you ask?"

"Well... its just... I've been thinking about our journey so far and some things have been puzzling me. Leon says that Vincent was the one who took over their world, warping it with darkness. I'm wondering if maybe he's responsible for what happened to my world... and if that's the case does that mean that the darkness that swallowed up Riku and Kairi was Vincent's doing."

"It could be, but you just saw Riku and he's safe and sound, isn't he?"

"Maybe, but something doesn't feel right..." she touched her chest frowning. "I'm worried about Kairi now more than ever"

"Then let's get moving, we don't have any time to waste dragging our feet." Donald grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the exit. Once in the gummi ship they were off to the new world... the journey through the warps in space was perilous with new foes and obstacles. Sora found she piloted best when put up to a new challenge. Her focus was stronger, and her aim better. As they breached through the void a new world appeared... and she landed with hope they would find more clues about their missing friends.

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