A Light to Guide You

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Kairi stared up in pure disbelief.

Her eyes were big and wet and she held the charms in her hand to her chest, a

s if to ease the ache that was spreading. What little remained of Sora's light fluttered through the sky before disappearing completely.

"Sora... are you really... gone?"

How did this happen? Kairi didn't understand what was going on. She was in a strange place, with strange figures around her, and the first sight she had seen after waking up from the darkness was the sight of her best friend fading away.

She stared down at the charms, recognizing the hair tie Riku had given Sora, the one she's sworn to treasure. The other one was new. She could see Sora's clumsy craftsmanship on the various pieces of glass and metal, but it was meticulously put together to create a star-shaped pendant. She knew her friend wasn't very artistic or patient... so to see something like this, made with care, and love, just made the pain in her heart even more real.

Sora... just COULDNT be gone.

"No! I won't let her go!"

"So-" A dark voice pierced her ears, sending a cold chill down her spine. Her head whirled over to a figure coming from the dark. Ansem stepped forward smiling. "You have awakened at last, Princess. The Keyhole is now complete, you have served your purpose." His lips turned down into a frown. "Now it's over..."

"Don't make another move!" Donald darted in front of Kairi holding out his staff determined to protect Kairi.

"Do you think we can take him all by ourselves?" Goofy whispered apprehensively.

"I don't know..." Donald wasn't sure of anything at the moment. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Sure they saved Sora's friend, but without the keyblade wielder who was gonna close the keyhole?

Ansem stepped forward, making saliva choke down Donald's throat and his confidence and bravery started to waver. It was the memory of Sora's warm smile that had him planting his feet firmly on the ground.

Suddenly, Ansem stopped, his body hesitating in its movements and there was a painful look of struggle on his face.


"No!" Riku's essence manifested from Ansem, arms spread out wide as if blocking Ansem's path.

"Riku!" Kairi looked at him in shock. What exactly happened while she was asleep?

"You've gotta run, Kairi. The heartless are coming!" Riku warned her. He saw the hesitation in her eyes and he growled. "What are you waiting for?"

"Why are you doing this? Why are you protecting me?" Though the three of them had always hung out together her and Riku had never been all that close.

"Sora.... she would never forgive me if I let something happen to you." He managed grunting as he struggled to hold Ansem back. Heartless began to pop up around them. "Besides," he managed a smile. "We're friends too, aren't we?"

His words shocked her, and the smile came fast and she gave a nod turning around to run with Goofy and Donald. The heartless pursued them, hordes of dark figures moving across the panels chasing after the lights of their hearts.

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