Truth and Friends

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It turned out that going world hopping wasn't all what it was cracked up to be. Though she enjoyed discovering new things, and protecting people from the heartless, it seemed that the worlds came with their own set of rules and dangers.

She'd nearly gotten her head chopped off by a spoiled Queen of Hearts, was sent dilly dallying around by some talking Chesire Cat, and then had to fight a giant heartless boss that threw and juggled flaming sticks... and that was all just from one world!

On a bright note she was learning a lot of things. She gained some experience in magic, collecting spells here and there thanks to Donald's teachings, and gained new skills from every fight... though not everything she got out of a fight was good.

"That really sucked." Sora grumbled as her wounds were being tended to by Donald. "Ow! It burns!" She whined and yanked her arm away. Donald tapped his foot impatiently, frowning.

"We can't be wasting potions every time you get hurt Sora, you need to learn to heal your wounds the old fashioned way." He slapped on a bandaid making her rub her arm and hiss in pain.

"That last fight nearly killed me yah know. How would you like it if you got slammed into ground by a twenty foot three headed dog!" Sora complained referring to the large canine Cerberus they had encountered at the Heroes Coliseum. It had taken some wheeling and dealing to get Phil, the trainer of Heroes, to even let them compete in the games. One by one the heartless fell and then they went up against this guy named Cloud who had been tough to beat especially with his impressive strength in wielding a large Buster Sword. Then out of no where Cerberus came up and threatened to destroy the entire Coliseum.

"What's Hades' problem anyway? Do you think he's got a beef against Hercules or something?" She referred to the hero of that world, Mr. bulging muscles and pearly teeth. The man had strength, wisdom, bravery and everything Sora had hoped to gain in the near future.

"I don't know, but I think Leon had a point when he said that you need some experience. We may have been able to beat Cerberus but from the way things have been going lately we're bound to run into more trouble." Goofy said having one of his wise moments as he piloted the ship through the cluster of heartless battleships.

"Yeah, now that we have full access to the games you should visit it frequently to level up Sora. It'll be a good chance to test your skills and get training from Hercules and Phil." Donald agreed.

"That'll have to wait though, you heard what Phil said, there won't be any games for awhile because of the mess that Cerberus made." Sora took her seat in the navigation area and bit her lip. "Hmmm hey it looks like there's a world up ahead..." As Goofy pulled into the orbit of that planet Sora took a closer look.

"Hey maybe the King went down there." Goofy suggested taking a look at the charts showing massive life readings.

"In a backwater place like that? No way!" Donald gave a firm grumble and returned to his seat. "Let's move on."

"Now hold on a minute," she grabbed the controls from Donald before he could take them out of orbit. "Riku and Kairi might be down there! Let's check it out."

"No, we're leaving. We've got an important mission and we're wasting time." Donald turned the controls back to him, but Sora yanked them back.

"Aww come on! Just land, Donald!"

"I said no!"

"You're such a jerk! If you thought the King was down there you'd go in a heartbeat, but you don't give two licks about my friends!"

"Aw phooey!" Donald let go and grumbled while Sora took a firm grip on the controls, grinning. She quickly pressed the shift forward.

"We're landing... whoa... WHOA!" The ship began to spin from the sudden press. Donald let out a squawk of complaint.

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