Part of Your World

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Author's Note: Okay so, in case you couldn't tell from the last chapter,  I've decided to include a few other gender bend roles to make things interesting. One of them you'll see coming up is Ariel. I took inspiration from Sakimi-chan who is an amazing artist!




Riku stared at Kairi  with such confusion and sadness. The two of them were never really close. He acknowledged her presence for the most part, but it had been Sora who had tied the three of them together. Still his heart ached to see her so lifeless, staring blankly as if in a dazed sleep. She hadn't moved since they left Hallow Bastion. 

Vincent had suggested that he go on a search for a puppet named Pinnochio, a walking talking puppet with a heart and no strings. He figured it would be the start to figuring out how to return Kairi's heart to her.

 He ended up returning empty handed... because of Sora.

The memory of it was bitter. She was still determined to fight against him, believing he was wrong.


Riku stared down at the lifeless puppet, his eyes cautious and studious. 

"A puppet that has lost its heart to the heartless. Perhaps it holds the key to saving Kairi." He looked to Sora whose face was fierce and angry, a look she didn't normally carry. "It's time we stopped this game, Sora. Come with me, and we'll go help Kairi." He offers her an easy smile walking towards her. "We can do it together."

He stopped when he saw her take out her keyblade. He was downright shocked. 

"What? You mean you'd rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?" He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Heart or no heart, at least he has a conscience. Where's yours at, Riku? Don't you hear it speaking to you? Mine's speaking to me and I hear it loud and clear. It's telling me you're on the wrong side."

Riku scowled his fists clenching.

"I don't understand you, this is what you want! You want to see Kairi, don't you? You want to be with me, don't you?"

"I do want to see Kairi, but I'll find her on my own." She clenched her fists at her side. It brought her pain to see how far he'd fallen. "I don't recognize you anymore, Riku. You're not the same person you were back on the island. This Riku, the one that's standing in front of me, scares me! So no, I don't go with you. I won't stoop to dwelling inside the darkness. It's dangerous and it's stupid!"

"You're the one who's stupid! You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, and it's gonna destroy you!" He couldn't retaliate anymore. The heartless descended and Riku was forced to retreat into the darkness leaving Sora alone with it.


"I don't understand, why does Sora fear me?"

"She doesn't," Vincent spoke from behind him. "What she fears is the darkness. She doesn't understand the power that it holds. Her heart is too innocent, too childish to truly comprehend her dangerous situation."

"What must I do? How can I keep Sora safe?"

"This girl, Kairi, is Sora's dear friend. Returning her heart should be your top priority. The Princesses in which you've been collecting and protecting are the keys to open the heart of all worlds, wherein lies untold wisdom. There, I'm sure you'll find a way to recover Kairi's heart."

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