Liam looked up and said, "Dare."

Someone call the ambulance because I'm as shocked as an electrocuted rabbit.

"I dare you to... belt out 'Rock Me' in front of Paul!" Louis said.

As soon as Liam got up, he headed out the door to where Paul was. We heard him screaming the song and Paul saying to be quiet or else.

Liam returned and saw us sprawled all over the ground, laughing so hard that our faces were as red as tomatoes.



I was dying of laughter!


Nah jk.

Liam came back and sat back down to ask Lauren truth or dare. Of course, Lauren being Lauren said dare before he could even finish he question.

"I dare you to... Dance one of your signature moves!" Liam said proudly.

I think Liam wants to see Lauren strip.

Lauren started doing the moonwalk and then stopped turned around then stopped and stood on the edge of her shoes.

The boys applauded her and were shocked.

Bet you didn't know that Lauren has moves?

Lauren asked Louis and he quickly said, "Dare!"

I started cracking up as Lauren glared at me and told Louis his dare: "Louis, you have to lick the floor 10 times."

Louis made a disgusted face and added, "HELL TO THE NO! THE TOMMO AIN'T DOIN' THAT!"

I try to refrain from laughing because a dirty floor won't give him a disease in the mouth.


"You have to give me your number. And I'll give you mine and make my name."

Lauren said, "Fine."

He told us his number and I entered his name in as: 'The Sass Masta' From Doncasta'.

Then I put my number and name into his phone and put my name as: 'Maddie is the bomb dot com.'

After an hour of playing truth or dare, we all had at least one turn.

What we did:

-Niall had to slap Zayn's ass and mess up his hair. Too bad Blondie won't be making any children anytime soon.

-Zayn had to say his worst pickup line. I threw up and cried literal tears.

-Kerry had to scream: 'HELP! I FANGIRLED AND I CAN'T GET UP!'

-Liam had to say his worst fear. Spoons... really?

-Louis had to admit his favorite artist. The Fray. You chose wisely, young grasshopper.

-Harry had to try the cookie challenge. Harry failed, Niall succeeded.

-Jocelyn had to sing the weirdest theme song. Bubble Guppies is not weird!

-Lauren had to say her worst fear. The dark. Really?

Everyone had gone but me.

Might as well raise the white flag now and surrender.

"Oh Maddie!" Lauren said, "Truth or dare?"

I had to take a risk. "Truth."

"Are you a virgin?" Lauren smirked.

Lauren's a fuckboy.

"No." I said quietly.

"So, since this game is now boring and over, can we watch a movie?" Louis asked, sounding irritated.


We all agreed that would be great, so we pulled out the all-time best movie ever:

Finding Nemo.

We all surrounded a HUGE TV and cuddled up against each other.

Kerry and Harry.

Lauren and Liam.

Jocelyn and Zayn.

Niall and I.

And Louis with Pickle the stuffed dog.

We all were watching the movie when I felt an arm snake it's way around my waist.

It was a snake.

Just kidding.

It was only Niall.

Kerry and Jocelyn were asleep after the movie ended, so I made a plan.

Two words.



After we blasted them, both of the girls bolted right up.

"Well, I guess it's time to run?" Louis questioned at me.




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