Chapter 3

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Lauren, Kerry, Jocelyn, and I start to walk backstage and show two bodyguards our passes.

"I'm so excited, I'm nearly jumping out of my skin! But, Maddie already met them. Lucky girl." Kerry exclaimed.




"I know. I wonder how they'll react to seeing me again." I said.

"They'll probably say 'Weren't you the girl on stage?'" Jocelyn mimicked in a horrid manly voice.

As we walk down the hall, we were stopped by one bodyguard saying we're the only girls meeting them for the night.

The bodyguard's turn down a hall to show us to a room with 4 couches, 2 love-seats, and a lot of TV's.

So this is where the taxes go.

We crash on the couches, each of us taking one of them until we here an Irish accent say, "Oi! We need to sit down too!"

I turn around to see Niall Horan standing in front of me.



Wow. This girl is stunning. She whips her head around when I say, "Oi, we need to sit down too!"

She looks up at me. Piercing green eyes, matching up with mine.

Just wow.

It's like there's grass in her eyes.

"Wait a second. Weren't you the girl up on stage with us? Maddie, right?" Liam asks

A girl with jet black hair and dark brown eyes called out, " I KNEW IT! LAUREN YOU OWE ME £10! Hi, I'm Jocelyn!" The lads said hello and Zayn met Jocelyn's eyes causing a silent moment for them.

I see a couple starting to form.

Niall the shipper is going in for the kill.

A girl with light brown hair and vivid blue eyes said, "Hi, I'm Kerry and apologize in advance for any perverted and awkward things that may end up occurring tonight."

Honestly same.

We all laughed and said our hello's and once again, a certain Harry Styles met eye contact with her and surprisingly, she got up and sat next to Harry on a couch.

Damn, she's almost as tall as Harry!

Are they related?

Part Eiffel Tower?

Who knows?!

"Hi! I'm Lauren!" Another girl said with chocolate brown locks and sky blue eyes. Liam perked up as he saw her.

So did Lauren as she saw him.

L plus L equals yes.

"And I'm Maddie." Maddie said as she lost eye contact with me.

Okay... I see how it is.

"So, since we have 4 hours to spend, how about a game of Truth or Dare!" Louis asked.

Oh, Louis, how your obsession of Truth or Dare never seizes to amuse us.

A bunch of okay's were heard and we all sat down on the floor.

Kerry was already on Harry's lap and I already knew she is a perfect match for Harry.

Louis started asking Liam, "Truth or Dare?"

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