Chapter 8

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"Yang, Blake I need you to explain."

Both of them look at each other nervously then to the baby I am holding. It was a little girl with blonde hair and cat ears, a faunus baby.

Yang:"Well... she was an orphan."

Blake:"And we thought, maybe, we should adopt her..."

"So she's my niece." I say while looking down at the sleeping baby no older than 2, probably one and half at most. "Why'd you bring her to me?"

Blake:"Could you watch her tonight, we'll introduce her to the rest of the team tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is also when everyone's parent arrive." I tell them and their eyes widen. "But sure I'll look after her tonight."

The door opens and we turn to it to see Willow walking into the room. Willow walks over to me and looks down at the baby.

Willow:"Is she your niece or something?"

"Yes, they want me to watch her tonight."


Blake:"Thank you."

"No worries, but she's sleeping with you tomorrow."

Blake:"We know, and her name is Blair."

Blake and Yang both leave after giving Blair a kiss on the head leaving me with Willow.

"You know how to care for these things right?"

Willow giggles a little and nods.

Willow:"Yes I do, I've had three myself after all."

Willow lays her head on my shoulder and I look at her and see that she's asleep.


"Cope." I tell Blair as she cries, but I am quickly smacked on the back of my head.

Willow:"Thats not how you treat a baby."

Willow scolds me as she picks Blair up and begins to cradle her.

"She wasn't telling me what was wrong."

Willow:"She can't speak, and she can barely even walk."

"Oh yeah theirs a process to baby's." I say as I turn back to the stove.

I hear the door open as I busy myself with the eggs, bacon and sausage. Hashbrowns were also being made since Willow wanted to try them.

Blake:"How's Blair?"

Willow:"She's started crying, I think she's hungry."

"Well she'll have to wait a minute." I say not turning around.

Yang:"She doesn't have a bottle..."

I hear Yang say, though since it's not my problem I don't respond.

Willow walks up beside me and I assume Blake or Yang has Blair now. I do infact hear Yang trying to get Blair to be quiet.

Willow:"Scrambled eggs?"

"Yeah, did you want something different. I just thought it'd be easier for Blair to eat these."

Willow:"No problem, but if you want to scramble my eggs I wouldn't mind."

"Willow nows not the time." I tell her and she pouts.

Hearing the door open again I turn my head slightly to see Ruby and Weiss with Winter and Whitely are following after the two.

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