Chapter 1

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Ruby Pov

Ruby:"I'm hungry!!!"

I yell throwing my comic book beside me.

Weiss:"Go to the cafeteria and get something to eat then."

Ruby:"I want to go out to eat!"

Yang:"Well we do have the today off..."

Blake:"It would be a nice I guess."

Weiss:"Thats great and all, but do you have any idea of where you want to eat?"


I pause unable to come up with any resturant names.


Ruby:"I heard of a resturant on the far side of Vale called Palico's Diner, we can go there!"

I says excitedly cutting Weiss off.

Weiss:"Thats across the city!"

Yang:"I have heard of it, and from what I can tell the foods really good."

Blake:"Are they faunus freindly?"

Yang:"I believe so."

Yang and Blake seem on board, now I just need to convince Weiss.

I turn to her and give her puppy eyes and she crosses her arms and looks away.



I jump up and hug Weiss as she tries to push me off.

Weiss:"Get off dolt!!!"

After getting ready we head out to the Vale. Sadly no bullhead was going to the other side of Vale.

When we get off the bullhead we start to head to the oppisite side of Vale, which is a farther walk then I thought it would be.

Ruby:"My feet are tired."

Weiss:"Should have picked a closer place then. Where even is it?"

We have been walking around for about 5 minutes not knowing where to go. Eventually Yang decides to ask one of the locals.

Yang:"Excuse me sir, but do you know where Palico's Diner is?"

Local:"You a faunus hater?"


Local:"Down that way take a right and its the building with a cat paw and whiskers on the sign."

Yang thanks him for the directions and we head to the Diner and walk in. We see that theirs only 2 people eating.

Yang:"Doesn't seem busy."

Gram:"Its always slow on Tuesday's, but today its slower than usual."

We turn to the counter and see an old faunus lady with cat ears, she has black hair with a white triangle in the front.

Gram:"Sit down, you all are new faces. I'll get you a menu, I'm Gram Owster."

We all take a seat next to the counter as she hands us menus. We look at the menu unsure what to order.

Gram:"I suggest the Chef's platter, he cooks different things each week. And dont worry its always good, he just has the touch with food."

Ruby:"We'll have that then."

Gram nods and goes to a window behind her.

Gram:"Four chef's platters Y/n."

Y/n:"Coming up!"

Just a Stray (malereader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now