"Can we all just sit here for a second?" MJ finds a park bench on the side, scares the nearby pigeons away, and takes out a pen and napkin from her pocket.

"We have been looking for days now on any information to get back home, and we are at nowhere. PLUS, Amadeus and Strange have yet to be seen here. It's obvious they are dealing with their fight somewhere else. Which means, we should take every advantage to quickly figure out how we can get back home, before they start appearing out of nowhere and take their fight here!" She begins to jot down notes, using the napkin to place on the bench as a hard surface. 

"My folks are probably thinking I'm dead as well," She realizes. "and I'm pretty sure they would like my reassurance that I'm alive. We need to hurry, and it doesn't help that the library in this city is basically destroyed, and half the scientist's we've called, are either on vacation, or not calling us back!"

"Dr. Roberts just takes a while to respond." The other Spider-Man ( Tobey), mentions. "He's just...a cat guy. He lives with a crap load of cats. I know he feeds them during this hour, and we just called him. I think he'll be the one to mostly call back."

"How long will it take him?" MJ asks impatiently.

"Give it about another hour." The Other Spider-Man (Tobey) scratches his head, nervously.

His phone goes off as well, with constant text messages, and a phone call.

"Is it him?" Peter (T) asks with a sense of hope.

"Uh..." The other Spider-Man (Tobey) chuckles nervously. "It's um...it's actually.. MY MJ. If-If you'll excuse me."

He treads off near to the trees, answering the call.

"MJ..." Peter (T) amused at how he almost forgot that this other Spider-Man (Tobey) also has his own MJ.

"What?" MJ answers with agitation, jotting down more notes on the napkin.

"Not you." Peter (T) sighs with frustration. "How long are you going to act like this?"

"I would like to go home." She firmly states, not looking at him. "I've waited too long, and I'd like to go home as soon as possible."

"I can't go home without Raquel." He reminds her.

"That's fine," She shrugs carelessly. "You go ahead and try to find her. I'm going home though." She finally looks up and forces a sarcastic smile.

"So you've changed your mind now." He concludes, thrown off by her expression. "I thought you would help me find her-"

"She's NOT my concern." She shoots back.

"Well... YOU are still my concern." His voice raises, it catches her attention.

"STOP caring for me, then, Peter!" She begins to cry, she stands, as they meet eye to eye, people walking glance at them, noticing they were arguing.

He shakes his head, "I'll never stop caring for you." He falls into a whisper.

"You need to," she sniffs and wipes her tears away. "Because it hurts that you are with someone else. I can't...I can't bare it knowing that you still care about me this way."

He grunts, looking to the ground, feeling hopeless, genuinely thinking he was doing the right thing.

"Why?" He shoots her a disturbed look. "Why won't you let me still care for you while I've moved on with someone else?"

"Because you are NOT supposed to care about your exes." She explains, clenching her jaw. "It's part of letting go. TRULY letting go, Peter. You can't deny that."

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