08 | 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗹

74 10 12

Sanghee looks furious with the documents as she holds a ton of them and grips them with her chin and thighs. I scan around and check if anyone is here or not, because if someone is, we'd be doomed. A literal drop of sweat drips down my face in this chilled morning.

I'm shaking and perspiring, who knew that was ever possible. I've never done something like this my entire life and now I'm wondering why.

"Hansol, no one is coming, trust me." Sanghee keeps a stack of the files on a table and almost scream, "Don't worry, no one is coming. I told you." Her voice gives off this assertion you can't ignore. I gulp down and nod my head.

"I mean, what if they notice someone was here?" My anxious ass butts in again. What a beautiful day.

"Someone is always here, Hansol. And no one is here altogether," Sanghee whispers and I frown. She notices my confusion and nods her head, "I'll show you later."

She searches for my document and when she gets it, I look at it with my heart broken.

Everyone has a picture on their documents. But my document is old and doesn't have my picture on it. Sanghee finds hers out soon and hers is in the same condition as mine.

"I knew something was wrong."

"This is getting creepy, Sanghee, I don't wanna be here anymore," I tell her in English and I can see that she's scared, too. Maybe coming here wasn't a very good idea. But we haven't yet faced any repercussions.

"We gotta help ourselves." Her English is thick in accent but she still speaks somehow flawlessly. "If we are the only ones, we can't be sure of anything."

I look down because it's true. Something is definitely wrong and it's showing. Is Sanghee right and we are being controlled by the school? What could they want from us?

Sanghee opens our files and as expected, no documents are present. I gasp for air and trip down. Sanghee's face speaks of horror but she doesn't show it. "I am sure our documents are there somewhere. I am sure." She's speaking Korean less and less. Somehow, I'm grateful.

I answer back in English, "But where?"

"I don't know yet. But what I know is that this is bigger than we think it is. Do you want to get controlled again?"

I shudder under my skin, "Of course not. Whenever that happens I feel dehydrated and drowned all at the same time. Stuff's difficult to handle."

She nods. I can see the crease that her forehead has homed now. "We have to get out."

"Do we go to class?" I ask and she nods again.

We're already in our uniforms so that wouldn't be a problem.

I jump out of the administrator's office. Sanghee looks around one last time before I give her my hand and she pulls me to get out of there. We stand close for a second and don't let go. "Do you think we should change schools? We might not have enough time before we're made lab rats or something. I don't know."

"Do you think that will be safe?" If they have planned something like for me, then they must know about my whereabouts. How I came here, why I came here, where I live. I don't think they don't know. "I'm sure our files are here somewhere. We have to look for them. We can't run away from this."

"Yeah. We can't." Her eyes are dead as she pulls her hand away and starts walking towards the main entrance. I catch up soon and we walk side by side. I want to hold her literally shaking frame, but I don't. Something in me hesitates to hold a scared girl who's pretending to be strong.

"You can stop staring at me, Hansol." How does she say my name so easily?

"I'm sorry—"

"No." She stops me from apologising, "Actually I'm happy you do."

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