Chapter 11

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Von sat on a plush gray couch in the Omega International safe warehouse with a mug of Garnet's sweetened tea in her hands and a belly full of sweets. "I swear, I may move in here."

"Only if I can join you," Damian quipped, biting into a cookie, grimacing as the heretofore elusive Sapphire wiped at her mate's torn knuckles with an alcohol pad.

Damian's curls hung disheveled and rakish over his forehead. His shirt hung off one shoulder. The silver scar of her claiming mark stood out against the tawny bronze of his skin, the only interruption in the elaborate pattern work tattoo now fully visible across his chest, bicep, and back. Fuck...

She shook herself. No, not now.

Tru grinned. "Well, it's one of those rare times when we actually have space, so..."

"You take in males, too?" Von asked.

Tru gave her a grim look. "It's rare that we're called on to intervene on behalf of male omegas, but it has been known to happen, and occasionally male betas or an alpha or two in abusive situations have sought refuge here. Our doors are open to all who seek help."

Of course. That made sense.

"You'll need to keep these clean," Sapphire said, setting a clean bit of gauze on top and winding a bandage in a figure eight around Damian's hand and wrist. "I'm assuming you cut them on the guy's teeth?"

Damain demurred. "Yeah, probably. I wasn't really logging what I hit, just that punches were connecting and that the fucker went down."

"I get it, man," Garnet huffed. "The alpha kind of takes over to a certain extent."

The other three alphas in the room seemed to commiserate with that sentiment.

Tru set down her mug. "So, what's the plan?"

Jehona had been spirited away to a facility's medical unit where their least threatening beta doctor was performing an exam. At the prospect of being in a room with so many alphas, Anja had made herself scarce.

"I'll be back tomorrow after work to get Jehona's statement," Von said with a sigh, "then get the paperwork going on her mate-pairing dissolution, too." Thank the gods they'd intervened before a claim had been made. She cast a glance toward Aily, who sat curled up on a chair nearby, her gaze fixed on the table in front of her - tea and sweets left untouched at her elbow. Aily had eschewed a medical exam insisting she looked worse than she felt.

"Aily shouldn't be here long."

Tru made a face as she sipped her tea. "Your sister is welcome here for as long as she needs."

Sapphire snapped off his nitrile gloves and began packing up his medical kit. "All good?"

Damian gave the other alpha a wave. "Yeah, thanks."

Garnet gave Sapphire a clap on the back as he passed, then snuck a peak at his phone and grimaced. "Tru, I'm gonna need to take off pretty soon. Sapphire and Ruby will be staying the night along with the usual cadre."

"Hot date?" Von teased.

"Worried mate," Garnet said. "I was due home two hours ago, and he's letting me have it. He hates it when I work late."

"No problem, Garnet," Tru confirmed. "Head on out. I can handle things here. Say hi for me."

"Sure thing," Garnet said. "Good night, everybody."

Among a chorus of echoed "good night"s, Garnet departed.

Tru stretched, her spine popping. "Well, your room should be ready by now, Aily. Let's see, shall we?"

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