Chapter 4

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Damian was continually amazed by the kinds of spreads Mama Marika was capable of producing. Looking out over what seemed to him to be enough food to feed the population of a small nation, Damian couldn't decide what he wanted to dig into first. The only thing dampening his appetite was the not-so-subtle stink of sex emanating from Erik Savage's general direction.

The man reeked of pussy.

And it wasn't a beta's. Before meeting Von, Damian had been with enough betas to be intimately acquainted with what beta arousal smelled like. Theirs was a subtle scent, like fresh cut grass on a sunny day. But this...this overwhelming sweetness like candy floss or crystal sugar, had omega written all over it. Had Erik not thought to bathe before joining them, or was he too busy rubbing his wife's face in the fact that he was cheating on her? Damian may not have liked Aily much, but she didn't deserve this kind of humiliation, least of all in front of her own family.

Neither of the Aherns had said anything, and for the briefest moment after sitting down to dinner, Damian wondered if he was the only one who could smell it. Then, in his periphery, he saw Von's nostrils flare and the corners of her mouth turn almost imperceptibly downward. He suddenly wished it were he and Von taking their dinner on the pool deck with the kids, instead of Liam and Sari.

As the first of the dishes began making the round of the table, Mama Marika remarked, "We had hoped to meet your mysterious omega, this evening, Aily. Why didn't you bring her tonight?"

"The female is not settled enough to join us," Erik commented, placing a slice of tave kosi on his plate. "When I'm satisfied she can behave herself in public, she will be permitted to come along."

Mama Marika winced a bit at that description. Von's knife skittered across her plate with a screech.

"Have your campaign managers come back with an explanation for your election defeat, yet, Erik?" Ahern asked, changing the subject.

"Daddy," Aily hissed.

"It's fine," Erik replied, locking eyes with his political mentor. "Not yet, no. I suspect it comes down to good, old -fashioned fraud."

Von leaned in close. "What, that he didn't commit enough of it?"

Damian choked on a swallow of wine and shot his mischievous mate a look.

"Daddy, you know Erik's family isn't in politics." Aily sat up a little straighter. "They're in imports. It's going to take time for Erik to build the name recognition you had when you ran for the same position."

"It was a seat on the provincial legislature being vacated by a career lawmaker who wasn't very popular," Ahern countered. "Your husband's opponent was also from an apolitical family, and unlike your husband, didn't have my public endorsement."

So, that was it. It wasn't Erik's losing his election that was bothering the old man. It was that he had done so with the Ahern name attached to it. Gods knew the man hated having his name associated with unsuccessful ventures, his daughter included. The implication hanging heavy but unsaid was that Ahern was suffering buyer's remorse for having supported Erik's campaign to begin with.

"You might consider re-evaluating your platform," Von suggested, sipping from her own wine glass.

Aily's pretty eyes went wide and shot to Erik as the alpha's own eyes narrowed, a predator zeroing in on prey. "What would you suggest, Mrs. Ambrose?"

"Maybe joining your electorate in this century," Von challenged, unimpressed.

"You would say that," Erik huffed, shaking his head.

"Siobhan..." Mama Marika cautioned.

Undeterred, Von continued. "You know what else I'd say? I'd say your policy proposals were irresponsibly regressive, your attempt to appeal to younger voters was ham-fisted at best, and that if you were serious about winning, you would have taken a look where this province is headed and planned accordingly, instead of making a platform of your intent to drag us all kicking and screaming back into the past." Then, she twisted the knife. "But what do I know?"

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